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Raja Michael Dillbeck reflects on Maharishi's achievements in the context of scientific research - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 July 2008

Speaking 22 July 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja Michael Dillbeck, Raja of Invincible France for the Global Country of World Peace and leading expert on scientific research on the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, summarized Maharishi's many achievements as they relate to the field of modern science and scientific research.

Raja Dillbeck's presentation was given during the Global Guru Purnima Assembly in MERU, Netherlands.

In Part I of this article, Raja Dillbeck described how Maharishi introduced his knowledge to the Western world, making it universally accessible by means of modern science. In both a practical and theoretical sense, on the experiential and intellectual level, Maharishi made clear to us the invaluable life-changing quality of his Transcendental Meditation Technique and other programmes.

Raja Dillbeck went on to present some of the most pivotal empirical research studies on Maharishi's technologies of consciousness, studies which began over 40 years ago.

When Maharishi first began encouraging scientists to study Transcendental Meditation in the 1960s, there was one scientist, Dr Keith Wallace, who began that work, opening the floodgates for an enormous body of research. Dr Wallace, named by Maharishi the 'first scientist of the Age of Enlightenment', confirmed through his research that the Vedic description of Transcendental Consciousness, the fourth state of consciousness as experienced during the TM Technique, was indeed a physical reality. Later research has shown that the experience of Transcendental Consciousness is associated with what Maharishi calls 'enlivenment of total brain functioning', measured by integration of all areas of the brain.

In recent years, continued Raja Dillbeck, Maharishi's fifth state of consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, has been measured for its unique characteristics during both deep sleep and dynamic activity. 'The development of higher states of consciousness has also been associated with unprecedented awakening of the mind's latent abilities,' he added. Aptitudes which commonly cease developing after childhood, most notably universal abstract intelligence, with Transcendental Meditation have proved to continue growing well through adulthood.

In the field of health, research has shown that Transcendental Meditation practitioners, in contrast to the rest of the population, experience a reversal of the ageing process in all aspects of body and mind. One specific study in Canada monitored the medical expenses of 1,400 people before and after their instruction in the TM Technique, each one of them matched with a control. Results measured in the control group corresponded with widespread national trends of increased medical expenditure with ageing. In the group having learned TM, however, these expenditures went down significantly each year—by increments of 14%. 'This study, just as those measuring the effects of higher consciousness, defies the trend of increasing disorder in the physiology due to ageing, stress, and societal chaos.'

Global Good News will feature Part III of this article, in which Raja Dillbeck presents research on the Maharishi Effect, during the coming days.

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