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Ancient technology revived: The Maharishi Vedic Observatory - Part III    Translate This Article
2 May 2008

With the rapid rise of invincibility around the globe, and expansion of educational programmes offering total knowledge of Natural Law through all the disciplines of Maharishi's Vedic Science, Global Good News presents this third article about the Maharishi Vedic Observatory, a collection of instruments used to observe the movements of the stars and planets.

Aligning one's vision with this ancient observatory aligns our individual awareness with Nature's Intelligence leading to life lived in accord with all the Laws of Nature for greater harmony, balance, and success in life.

Please see also Part I and Part II of this article.

'The Maharishi Vedic Observatory is the observatory of all harmonizing values of Natural Law, which harmonizes all the differences in the universe. The entire mechanics of the universe come to be measured in the Maharishi Vedic Observatory.' —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Previous articles described some attributes of the Maharishi Vedic Observatory, which can also be viewed in a 'tabletop' version. By viewing the tabletop Maharishi Vedic Observatory, a remarkable balancing effect is generated in one's physiology and awareness. It is through the use of principles of the Maharishi Sthapatya Veda programme—the science of the structure of Nature—that the Maharishi Vedic Observatory is said to create this effect.

Measuring the positions of the planets or the items in the universe amounts to aligning one's intelligence with cosmic intelligence and one's physiology with cosmic physiology. And because cosmic physiology is an eternally evolving structure, individual physiology coming in tune with it gains that same evolving quality.

The marvel of the Maharishi Sthapatya Veda programme is that it can measure precisely; it can measure all that is going on with infinite speed and with an infinite number of planets and stars hanging in space at any time. It is possible not only to have the knowledge of the cosmic structure of life, but also to own the knowledge and make the knowledge a living reality of life by associating it with the principles that are within the body's intelligence.

The whole body is structured according to Sthapatya Veda, and the Vedic Observatory is also structured according to Sthapatya Veda. Anything that is established according to Sthapatya Veda displays the qualities of order and harmony in Nature—Unity in diversity—the inner Self. It is just like seeing one's own body or one's own self in the mirror.

Simply by observing the tabletop Maharishi Vedic Observatory through the sense of sight, the reality of the structure and function of the stationary individual is brought into alignment with the reality of the structure and function of the whole moving cosmos.

The Maharishi Vedic Observatory is an instrument to gauge the alignment of different values in the sky. It is an instrument to align one's awareness with the structural dimensions of the structure of the universe, which is the projection of the structure of the Veda. The structure of Rk Veda, total Natural Law, is the most fundamental structure of the whole universe.

The Maharishi Vedic Observatory is a simple, natural means of aligning one's awareness with that holistic structure. When one looks at the Observatory, a great enlivenment of total Veda is created within one's Self.

The marvel of the Maharishi Vedic Observatory is it simplicity. In modern Western astronomy, one gains knowledge of the cosmos by going outward into cosmic life. In Vedic astronomy, the knowledge of the cosmos is not gained by going far out to explore the cosmos, but by going within to explore inner space.

It is possible to gain knowledge of the cosmos in this way because the whole cosmos is the expression of self-referral consciousness. Self-referral consciousness is one's own self-referral structure, one's own body, one's own projection, one's own life. [Pure self-referral consciousness is experienced during the
Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying].

The Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature is the reality of one's own awareness; the diversified field of Natural Law is located outside one's Self. The inner and outer realities of life are completely parallel to each other. Since the inside value of life is one's own Self, it is easier to realize the inner value—the reality of Veda, which resides in consciousness. The symmetry of consciousness is present in the gross outer world. As a result, the full value of the inner and outer reality of life can be known through one's own pure consciousness.

© Copyright 2008 Maharishi Global Vedic Observatories Corporation

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