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Ancient technology revived: The Maharishi Vedic Observatory - Part II    Translate This Article
20 April 2008

'Open your awareness to the inner value of life to know the mechanics of functioning of the outer value of life. Even the different relationships of the planets and stars can be located inside one's Self. Knowing the outer form from within is the Vedic theme of knowledge.'—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

With the rapid rise of invincibility around the globe, and expansion of educational programmes offering total knowledge of Natural Law through all the disciplines of Maharishi's Vedic Science, Global Good News continues this series of articles about the Maharishi Vedic Observatory, a collection of instruments used to observe the movements of the stars and planets. Aligning one's vision with this ancient observatory aligns individual awareness with Nature's Intelligence, leading to life lived in accord with all the Laws of Nature for greater harmony, balance, and success in life.

Part I of this article described how the instruments of the Vedic Observatory reflect the Sun's movement across the sky, displaying its relationship with all life on Earth. The instruments display this regular movement of the Sun in the shapes and markings of the instruments themselves.

The Maharishi Vedic Observatory can be understood to be the structure of the universe as detected from the shadow caused by the Sun. Waking, dreaming, and sleeping states of consciousness are not real states of consciousness; they come and go, circling. These three states of consciousness hide their own basis, which is Pure Consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness. When Transcendental Consciousness is shadowed, then what is operating is a shadow of consciousness. But the shadow can become shallow; its reality can become the Sun. . . .

[Experience of] the eternally awake Transcendental Consciousness, the fourth state of consciousness, has an influence on waking, dreaming, and sleeping states: it softens the density of the shadow; it softens the intensity of illusion—the Reality dawns and prevails, and the purpose of observing the Maharishi Vedic Observatory is fulfilled.

Knowing the outer reality of life from the inner reality of pure consciousness is the Vedic theme of life. By opening one's awareness to the inner value of pure consciousness [through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying], it is possible to know the mechanics of the functioning of the outer world.

All the different relationships of the planets and stars can be located in one's own awareness. One can fathom, in one's own consciousness, the phenomenon of the ever-expanding universe; one can know anything from within one's Self. The Maharishi Vedic Observatory provides the means of observation to align the outer with the inner and spontaneously allow the rise of a new awakening.

Global Good News will present Part III of this article in the coming days.

© Copyright 2008 Maharishi Global Vedic Observatories Corporation

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