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The Transcendental Meditation Programme shown to be the most statistically significant procedure for reducing high blood pressure without harmful side effects
by Global Good News staff writer
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25 December 2007
Speaking recently on the Maharishi Channel Global Family Chat, Raja Michael Dillbeck, Raja (Administrator) of France for the Global Country of World Peace and the world's leading expert on the scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme, gave further understanding of a recently announced meta-analysis research study that showed reduction of high blood pressure through the technologies of consciousness, Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
The procedure of meta-analysis has shown that the Transcendental Meditation Programme is profoundly comprehensive and unique in its effect of raising life to be in harmony with Natural Law, Dr Dillbeck said. He explained that a meta-analysis is an analysis of many studies all at once. It is a way of combining many research studies into one comprehensive study that gives a more stringent, rigorous evaluation of the effects of any particular programme.
With meta-analysis quantitative methods are used to get a clear and precise analysis of the effects by combining all the research studies together. Meta means 'beyond'; and meta-analysis means to go beyond one study to many studies. The 'statistical effect size' is determined—a common ruler or common metric against which to measure the effect each of individual study—and each study is treated like the individual score of one person in a single study.
The results of each study are all brought together in one meta-study, and that is evaluated statistically. The researcher then announces the effect of the programme being researched on some aspect of human behaviour or human physiology.
'Meta-analysis is now the standard way for evaluating the effect of many studies,' said Dr Dillbeck, 'and this is a useful procedure for the research of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme, because there is now such an enormous body of research on this programme conducted over the past four decades. '
More than 600 studies in over 250 research institutes and universities in over 33 countries and published in 150 journals around the world have been collected into seven volumes of collected scientific research papers.
Dr Dillbeck said that there is now a strong thrust in the medical profession to find ways to treat high blood pressure without the harmful side effects of medication. The recent meta-analysis of the effect of the Transcendental Meditation Programme on blood pressure, showed increased balance in the physiology of hypertensive patients.
In this meta-analysis researchers looked through the scientific literature for the different methods of reducing stress and high blood pressure, and they found 107 studies. They took only the most rigorous studies, and adopted standard criteria for these studies; they found 17 acceptable studies that looked at 23 different treatment comparisons, with almost 1,000 patients.
Of the 17 studies researched, there were six studies on the effects of the Transcendental Meditation programme for which Dr Dillbeck presented slides of charts showing there is a highly statistically significant decrease in systolic blood pressure, less than two chances in 10,000.
The other procedures in this batch of studies were a technique for relaxation, which had no significant effect; stress management programmes had no significant effect; biofeedback with no significant effect; and several studies combining these procedures together that also had no effect, but rather showed an increase in blood pressure.
From the study of all the different approaches available to reduce stress and high blood pressure without medication, the only significant procedure available in the scientific literature, as shown by this study, was the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme.
'This indicates that the Transcendental Meditation Programme is the only significantly effective procedure available for someone who does not want to suffer the harmful side effects of medication and yet clearly needs to reduce blood pressure and create balance in the physiology,' said Dr Dillbeck.
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.
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