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Study: Transcendental Meditation Technique most effective

The M.U.M. Review
Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA
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27 December 2007

A just-published meta-analysis suggests that the Transcendental Meditation technique is more effective at producing reductions in high blood pressure than other forms of relaxation, meditation, biofeedback, or stress management.

The meta-analysis, published in the December issue of Current Hypertension Reports, reviewed 107 published studies in peer-reviewed journals that met state-of-the-art criteria for high scientific quality. The studies used repeated blood pressure measurements, and participants with high BP were randomized to either a stress reduction technique or placebo-type control for at least eight weeks.

The six randomized controlled trials on the Transcendental Meditation technique included in the meta-analysis showed statistically significant average reductions of 5.0 points on systolic blood pressure and 2.8 on diastolic blood pressure. The randomized controlled trials on the other stress reduction programs did not show significant reductions.

The blood pressure changes associated with the Transcendental Meditation technique were consistent with other controlled studies showing reductions in cardiovascular risk factors, improved markers of heart disease, and reduced mortality rates among participants in the Transcendental Meditation program.

The meta-analysis was coauthored by faculty members Drs. Maxwell Rainforth, Robert Schneider, Sanford Nidich, Carolyn Gaylord-King, and John Salerno, as well as Dr. James Anderson, professor of medicine at the University of Kentucky.

The studies on the Transcendental Meditation technique were conducted at five independent universities and medical institutions, and the majority of them were funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

'For those 100 million Americans and 1 billion people globally with elevated blood pressure, here is a scientifically documented, yet simple and easy way to lower blood pressure without drugs and harmful side effects,' Dr. Schneider said. 'In addition, related studies show an integrated set of positive side benefits, such as reduced stress, reduced heart disease levels, and longer lifespan by taking recourse to the body's own inner intelligence.'

Copyright © 2007, Maharishi University of Management

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