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Dr. Schneider Speaks to Hundreds of Doctors at University of California

Maharishi University of Management The Review    Translate This Article
17 April 2019

The medical profession continues to show increasing interest in the Transcendental Meditation® technique, both for medical care and for physician wellness and prevention of burnout.

Last month Robert Schneider, MD, dean of the College of Integrative Medicine at Maharishi University of Management, was invited to speak to 200 doctors and medical students at the University of California at Irvine on the topic of mind-body-heart.

The invitation came as the medical school is considering making the Transcendental Meditation technique available for physician wellness.

Those attending, either in person or via televideo, received continuing medical education credit as Dr. Schneider explained the role of stress in cardiovascular disease and the research that shows that the Transcendental Meditation technique prevents or treats many of the factors that contribute to heart disease, such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

While at UC Irvine, Dr. Schneider also spoke to over 25 residents and medical students during their morning rounds.

''Physician burnout is now recognized as a major issue,'' Dr. Schneider said. ''The residents and medical students were keen to stay balanced and healthy as they train in the science and art of medicine. They were receptive and understand from personal experience the importance of dealing with fatigue and stress.''

Dr. Schneider addressed another 50 physicians involved with the Indian Medical Association of Southern California. He described Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's* vision for holistic health care that includes mind, body, and environment — all based on the inner intelligence of the body and the universe.

''These doctors were very interested in how science is now verifying the principles and benefits of their own tradition of Ayurveda,'' Dr. Schneider said. ''My presentation helped to bridge the gap between modern science and their understanding of ancient Vedic science.''

Dr. Schneider's other presentations in recent months included a featured presentation last November at the First Ayurveda Symposium in New Jersey cosponsored by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.

His topic at this event was ''mind over aging,'' explaining that the mind can contribute to aging but that it can also, via the Transcendental Meditation technique, help one live longer.

In particular, he spoke about behavioral rasayanas — behaviors such as transcending, yoga, and the experience of samadhi that one can adopt that promote greater health and slow the aging process.

He described research showing that stress contributes to aging by shortening the telomeres on the ends of chromosomes and discussed his most recent study that found that the Transcendental Meditation technique helps to repair these telomeres.

* Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the founder of the Transcendental Meditation program and Maharishi University of Management.

Copyright © 2019 Maharishi University of Management

See related articles:
Dr. Robert Schneider gives keynote address at Harvard Medical School
Mind over Ageing: 10 Steps to living a longer, healthier, happier life

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