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Dharma Parenting: Understand your Child's Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment
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3 August 2016
Dr. Robert Keith Wallace and Dr. Frederick Travis, renowned neuroscientists and pioneers in documenting the benefits of Transcendental Meditation, give parents a guided tour of their children's brains in ''Dharma Parenting: Understand your Child's Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment''. A ''how-to'' book that combines ancient Ayur-Vedic principles with a modern understanding of child brain development, the book offers a wealth of practical tools that will nurture a child's particular brain and gives insights to maximize their learning and behavioral style.
Dharma Parenting bestows a uniquely individual approach to raising a happy and successful child. The word ''dharma'' means a way of living that upholds the path of evolution, maintains balance, and supports both prosperity and spiritual freedom.
''The first tool is a simple but enormously valuable quiz,'' says Dr Keith Wallace, ''which determines your child's—and your own—Brain/Body Type. The quiz reveals individual strengths and weaknesses, and shows you easy ways to create mental, physical, and emotional balance in order to have a happy healthy relationship with your child, even during the teenage years!''
The Eastern system of natural medicine called Ayur-Veda has used three distinct mind/body types (and combinations of these types) for thousands of years. Scientific studies suggest that there is a specific set of genetic, biochemical, and physiological characteristics that underlie each of the three main Ayurveda mind/body types.
For the first time, we can understand why one child learns quickly and forgets quickly while another learns slowly and forgets slowly; why one child is hyperactive and another slow moving; or why one falls asleep quickly but wakes in the night while another takes hours to fall asleep.
Dr. Wallace and Dr. Travis combine knowledge from their research in contemporary neurophysiology with ancient Ayur-Veda, and their personal experience to show how to unfold the full potential of a child's brain, as well as how to nurture his or her inherent brilliance and goodness.
With this combination of old and new wisdom, Dharma Parenting offers unique insight into why a child is the way he or she is and reveals how to bring each child into a state of balance. Its language is readily comprehensible by parents of any cultural background, with real-life stories to illustrate areas of universal parental concern—such as emotions, behavior, language, learning styles, habits, diet, health issues, and, most importantly, the parent-child relationship.
The Six Tools of Dharma Parenting make up the acronym D-H-A-R-M-A:
1. Discover Your Child's, and Your Own, Brain/Body Type Your Brain Body/Type includes inherited tendencies and preferences (hardwired from birth), your current state of balance or imbalance, and your constantly changing brain connections.
2. Heal Yourself Even with the many demands of raising kids, you must remain aware of your own needs—for your children's sake as well as your own!
3. Attention and Appreciation Childhood is a roller-coaster ride of rapid growth and development, propelled by massive transformations in your child's brain connections. Your attention is immensely important for your child to learn: to develop self-esteem, social skills, a sense of right and wrong, respect for others, as well as critical and creative thinking. By appreciating your child's accomplishments, you support their ability to interact with the world and their developing sense of self.
4. Routines to Improve Family Dynamics Establishing routines—bedtime routines, eating routines, shopping routines, and structured family meetings—gives children a sense of security, break up a long day into meaningful chunks, and allow your child the experience of being in control.
5. Manage Meltdowns If a situation gets out of hand, immediately check-in with yourself and with your child. Do what you can to comfort your child, and change his or her brain state! Be prepared to make choices, consider possible consequences, and coach.
6. Anticipate and Adapt Whether you're focused on nurturing your child's talents, or simply ensuring that family life moves smoothly throughout the day, part of your dharma as a parent is to anticipate your children's needs. Look ahead to see how you can avoid crises. When unexpected situations arise (and they will), adapt by using everything you've learned from Dharma Parenting, as well as your best judgment!
Dharma Parenting is for anyone who has kids or is frequently around them—parents, family, teachers, caregivers—and makes an endlessly useful gift. ——— Purchase Dharma Parenting: Understand your Child's Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment (Published by Tarcher/Perigee, a division of Penguin and Random House)
Dharma Parenting is ''An insightful combination of ancient truths and modern brain science that can help us become wiser parents, raise healthier and happier kids, and create a better world.'' —David Lynch
''Dharma Parenting allows you to understand that your child's unique needs may be different than your own. The valuable insights and practical tools of this book help your child become more confident, cooperative, successful, and happy.''—John Gray, the author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
ROBERT KEITH WALLACE is a pioneering researcher on the physiology of consciousness. His research has inspired hundreds of studies on the benefits of meditation and other mind-body techniques. Dr. Wallace's findings have been published in Science, American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American. He received his BS in physics and his PhD in physiology from UCLA and conducted postgraduate research at Harvard University. Dr. Wallace is the founding president of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa.
FREDERICK TRAVIS is a world-renowned neuroscientist who has discovered brain wave patterns in children and young people that correlate with greater moral reasoning, happiness, emotional stability, and academic performance. Dr. Travis has authored or coauthored 70 scientific papers, many published in leading peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Travis received his masters and PhD in psychology from Maharishi University of Management (MUM). After a two-year post-doctoral position at University of California at Davis, he returned to MUM to direct the EEG, Consciousness, and Cognition Lab.
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