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Maharishi Ayur-Veda: The disease process can be reversed at any stage of development
by Global Good News writer
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7 March 2014
Maharishi Ayur-Veda* healthcare describes three main operating principles of nature that are found throughout the universe—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—and calls them collectively Doshas. In human life the Doshas refer to different aspects of inner intelligence that quietly function behind the scenes to maintain the functions and structures of the body.
In his recent presentation on Maharishi Ayur-Veda at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in the Netherlands, Dr. med. Walter Mölk explained that in Ayurveda each Dosha has a natural place in the body, where it resides and accumulates during the course of a day, the seasons of the year, etc. Vata, the Ayurvedic principle associated with wind or motion, is located in the lower digestive tract or lower region. Pitta, the principle of fire or heat, is located in the upper digestive area or middle region. Kapha, the principle of earth or inertia, is located in the top of the stomach and the chest area, or upper region. Throughout the day the natural cycle of the Doshas is that they are activated and then naturally subside, returning to a state of balance.
If an influence in the body or mind becomes excessive then the Doshas, after accumulating in their natural location, begin to move away from their primary seat, into other tissues. This is the beginning of the disease process.
Ayurveda describes in detail the development of disorders and disease through six sequential stages, Dr Mölk said.
During the first three stages of disease, imbalances can generally be corrected through dietary adjustments and herbal supplements. A person may feel something is out of balance, but it is non-specific and there are no symptoms. By the time a disorder has progressed to the fourth stage, there is an awareness of a problem and its location in the body. By the fifth stage the disease is full-fledged with all the symptoms. In the sixth and final stage the disease is either healed, or if left untreated it becomes chronic.
One of the great benefits of Maharishi Ayur-Veda is that the disease process can be detected and imbalances corrected and reversed at any stage. A trained Maharishi Ayur-Veda expert can detect any stage of disease or imbalance in the pulse, using the very refined technique of Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis.
When a disorder has developed to the third and fourth stages, Panchakarma (purification and rejuvenation therapy) is prescribed to bring the physiology back into its normal state of balance.
As a disease develops, physiological impurities, called ama in Ayurveda, move from superficial tissues into deeper ones. In the early stages of development ama can be removed through the simple addition of herbs to the diet. When it is more advanced, then special preparations called Veda Herbs may help, or Panchakarma will be recommended.
See related articles: ∙ Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health: Applying the timeless knowledge of health to all levels of life ∙ Health professionals trained in Maharishi Ayur-Veda, international foundation established
* Ayurveda is the world's oldest, most comprehensive system of natural medicine, which originated in the Vedic civilization of ancient India and is now officially recognized by the World Health Organization. Maharishi Ayur-Veda and Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health represent the modern restoration by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of the complete and authentic practice of Ayurveda as recorded in the Vedic texts.
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