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India: Dr Karin Pirc presents research on Panchakarma rejuvenation treatment at international Ayurveda conference
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 July 2013

At the RajAyuCon, an international Ayurveda conference in Gujarat, India, Dr. phil. Karin Pirc presented a number of research studies showing the effectiveness of Panchakarma, a central detoxification and rejuvenation therapy of Maharishi Ayurveda health care.*

Dr Pirc is co-founder and medical director of the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre in Bad Ems, Germany, who has treated 20,000 patients there with Panchakarma.

One study showed that the toxins known as free radicals are removed from the blood through Panchakarma. This is a unique finding, commented Lothar Pirc, managing director of the Bad Ems health centre, reporting recently on the Gujarat conference. 'It takes a long time and it's very difficult to remove free radicals.'

A graph from the study illustrates that before Panchakarma, the free radicals in the body are increasing because the patient is taking oil internally, thus liberating the free radicals from the system, he said.

The level of free radicals peaks seven days after the Panchakarma treatment. 'That means the purification still continues after Panchakarma.'

But by three months after the treatment, the level of free radicals has decreased dramatically and continues to stay low. 'This is a very significant finding because it's very difficult to influence the free radicals in the blood,' he explained.

This was just one of many studies described by Dr Karin Pirc during her presentation. She also cited a study which found that 58 per cent of pesticides and herbicides, which typically stay in the body for 25 years, are eliminated after just 12 days of Panchakarma treatment.

She also discussed meeting different expectations of clients when practising Ayurveda in Western countries.

In India, people tend to see an Ayurvedic practitioner to have their pulse taken (Nadivigyan, a special diagnostic approach of Ayurveda) or receive a prescription for herbal medicines, Mr Pirc explained. In the West, people are also looking for knowledge, so health education programmes are provided.

In the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre Bad Ems, Dr Pirc provides evening lectures, a DVD series, cooking and yoga classes, and instruction in Transcendental Meditation.

'So in the West people need to be more educated to really accept [Ayurveda], said Mr Pirc, adding that the audience, who were mainly from India, found this very interesting.

See related articles:
India: Keynote address at World Ayurveda Congress presents Maharishi Ayurveda, Transcendental Meditation research
India: World Ayurveda Congress presentation explores links between Ayurveda and Yoga
India: Celebrating Maharishi Vedic Health Centre–Bhopal, Maharishi Ayurveda 25th year–Delhi
India: Maharishi Ayurveda experts present at international Ayurveda conference in Gujarat

* Ayurveda is the world's oldest and most comprehensive system of natural health care, which originated in the Vedic civilization of ancient India and is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an effective health science. Maharishi Ayur-Veda represents the modern restoration by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of the complete and authentic practice of Ayurveda as recorded in the Vedic texts.

Copyright © 2013 Global Good News Service

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