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Serbia: Bio Balkan Expo highlights growing interest in organics, health
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 November 2012

Branko Cicic, a pioneering Transcendental Meditation teacher in former Yugoslavia who lives and works in Serbia, has been busy with the third annual Bio Balkan organic fair.

The Bio Balkan Expo was created three years ago by the Serbian Organic Foundation, of which Mr Cicic is president, and it is now the largest of its kind in southeast Europe.

'This year we had the privilege, just like the previous one, that the minister of agriculture development in Serbia opened the fair, making this event really highly visible and attractive in the media and also attractive for the visitors,' said Mr Cicic.

Mr Cicic, who is also director of the Transcendental Meditation programme in Serbia, is especially interested in the areas of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and Maharishi Ayurveda natural health care. This Bio Balkan fair combines those interests and allows him to spread the knowledge of healthy living and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's technologies of consciousness to a wider audience.

This year he had some help publicizing the event. The fair had exceptional media coverage from the national television station of Serbia and from others.

'All the major newspapers and many periodicals were publishing excellent reports on the events,' Mr Cicic said.

As another way to promote organics, the pioneering group started their own television production and made their own TV show called Organic Serbia (Organska Srbija). In 2012, they used the show to promote the fair, featuring footage from last year's event.

Said Mr Cicic, 'This will be a major tool in relating our message to the public in Serbia.'

Perhaps due to good media coverage and to increased interest in health and organics, the Bio Balkan fair was a success yet again this year.

Mr Cicic reported, 'We had extremely good attendance during the fair and so many good businesses were contracted there.'

There were 67 vendors, with some from India, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Holland, and many from Serbia.

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