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Transcendental Meditation and prison life: 'I'm starting to know who I am'
by Arielle Feldman    Translate This Article
20 June 2012

In interviews at Oregon State Correctional Institution in the northwestern United States, more inmates described the effects on their lives of the Transcendental Meditation program.

See Part I and Part II of this series:
Can Transcendental Meditation help rehabilitate prison inmates?
Prison inmates talk about Transcendental Meditation: 'Nothing angers me like it used to'

Highlights of inmate interviews
Oregon State Correctional Institution


''I just tell them I'm spending time with myself. That's actually what it really is, just spending time with your inner self, and everybody inside is a good person, you know, we just make bad choices.

''Spending time with myself actually makes me feel good. I'm actually starting to know who I am.''


''We do crimes and make the wrong choices and decisions. Usually, it's people in a rough situation, a tense situation. Either they're having family problems or they need the money, so they just react.

''Now, if you just take out time each day to meditate and just sit back and let everything go and don't worry about any of your worries or problems, and just let everything go and free your mind, then you're more likely to actually think it through. . . . If you just take out time and meditate and just let everything go and free your mind, everything comes together.

'Before meditation, I wasn't really patient with people. . . . I would just lose my temper instantly—just go off. But now I can actually just like sit back, breathe a couple seconds, take time out, and just be patient with them, and then everything seems to go the way I want it to.''

Global Good News will continue to feature highlights of interviews with inmates at Oregon State Correctional Institution.

Related posts:

1. Caribbean country begins using the TM technique to help rehabilitate its prison inmates
2. Inmates Dive Inward
3. FREEDOM BEHIND BARS: Transforming lives of inmates and guards
4. New studies show reduced depression with Transcendental Meditation


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