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Celebrating perfect health for the individual and a disease-free society
by Global Good News staff writer

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24 October 2011

The Global Country of World Peace held its annual celebration of the Day of Perfect Health, the auspicious day of Dhanvantari, on 24 October 2011. This special celebration took place in MERU, Holland and at the Capital of World Peace in the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India. People in many countries also enjoyed a webcast of the celebration.

Dhanvantari is the day each year in the Vedic calendar that celebrates the awakening of perfect health in individual life and a disease-free society, through the increasing success of many programmes and approaches developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to benefit the people of every country.

A highlight of the day's programme, following traditional Vedic recitations by Maharishi Vedic Pandits in the Brahmasthan of India and in MERU, was the video of an address by Maharishi on the Day of Perfect Health, 7 November 2007.

In that historic address Maharishi gave a beautiful discourse on the profound significance of the celebration of Dhanvantari:

'Dhanvantari is a level of intelligence that is an aspect of the Constitution of the Universe that connects the unmanifest source of the constitution with the manifest expression of the constitution which governs the universe, which governs the health of the universe,' Maharishi said.

Maharishi described in detail the significance of Dhanvantari, expressed in the sounds and syllables of the name 'Dhanvantari', existing 'at that level from where expression begins—the transcendental level, from where the mind begins, from where intellect begins, from where ego begins, from where multiplicity begins from the state of complete self-referral unity.'

Maharishi explained that this understanding expresses the total reality of Dhanvantari 'in terms of Brahm, in terms of Brahm. Brahm is totality of multiplicity and unity . . . . ''Tat tu samanvayat''—Brahm is unification of two opposite values, one unified, and multiple [di]versified—unified, united with versified.

''This union is called Brahm, Totality. This is the junction point of unmanifest and manifest. Here is a unity of unmanifest and manifest. . . .'

Maharishi continued, 'Today we are in the junction of the Absolute in reality. Today, we are in the junction. . . . our awareness has been awakened in terms of the total reality which is a combined status of manifest and unmanifest. Today is the day where our awareness is stationed on a level of all possibilities, inside, outside, junction point, Dhanvantari. This is the day, Dhanvantari Day.

'Dhanvantari Day—we are on the junction point of relative and Absolute. We are on the level of the constitution of self-referral unity, which is the constitution of the ever-expanding universe. [The celebration] has awakened in our awareness that reality which is together in oneness of infinite silence and infinite dynamism. Oneness of the two opposites, this is Brahm. . . .'

Maharishi went on to say, 'In all these 365 days of the Indian calendar, this is the one day which is a unity of all the 365 days, and that unity of all 365 days in terms of Total Knowledge and total organizing power of pure knowledge. There is no hesitation to say that this is expression of the Constitution of the Universe. This is the expression of the Veda. This is the expression of Atma [the Self]. This is the expression of Brahm.'

Later in his 2007 address, Maharishi explained, 'So, this is the day of complete disclosure to pure knowledge, complete disclosure to life. This is the value of health. Health in the Vedic Literature is called ''Svasth''. ''Sva'' means Atma [the Self], and ''Stha'' means established in Atma. Healthy is he, who is established in Atma. Healthy is he, who is established in Atma. And ''established in Atma'' means established in the two opposite values, opposite values—many and one, opposite values. It is the transcendental value of Brahm. This is the day of complete knowledge. . . .

'So not only Brahm, but the constituents—that of which Brahm is made—the constituents of Brahm. So this is the day, completely ready and fully awake in all possibilities.'

After the video of Maharishi's 2007 address, the assembly enjoyed uplifting greetings from Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, to be reported by Global Good News in the coming days.

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Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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