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Transcendental Meditation promotes experience of a fourth major state of consciousness

Ask the Doctors    Translate This Article
29 June 2011

Scientists describe what happens during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique as a fourth state of consciousness, a state of restful alertness, unlike waking, sleeping or dreaming, says Steven Rector, MD.* In a series of questions and answers, Dr Rector explains how this experience leads to a wide range of health benefits.

Q: How does sitting quietly and doing nothing bring all the beneficial results you're describing? 

Dr. Steven Rector:

'This fourth state of consciousness, called Transcendental Consciousness, has its own physiological style of functioning—slower breath rate, reduced stress hormones, more orderly brainwaves.

'We know from hundreds of scientific research studies that experiencing this fourth state of consciousness for twenty minutes twice a day through the TM technique leads to a wide range of health benefits. Scientists around the world have lauded the discovery of this fourth state as a major breakthrough in health and human potential, because experiencing it twice daily appears to be the key to maximizing health and overcoming the ravaging effects of stress.

'Everyone knows what happens when a person is deprived of sleep, and researchers have found that dreaming state is also necessary to function in daily life. What is the result of omitting the fourth state, Transcendental Consciousness? What results is the widespread condition of anxiety, hypertension and general ill health that I see everyday as a physician, and which costs America billions every year in the treatment of stress-related diseases and behavioral disorders.

'There's an epidemic of stress in the world. This is what happens when the restorative experience of the fourth state of consciousness is excluded from daily life. This is why as a doctor I wholeheartedly endorse the Transcendental Meditation program.'

Dr Rector is a member of a panel of physicians who discuss the Transcendental Meditation Technique—how it works, how it differs from other forms of meditation and relaxation, and the hundreds of scientific research studies validating the benefits of the technique. Their discussion is featured on the website Ask the Doctors.

Click here for more questions and answers about the Transcendental Meditation technique.

* Steven J. Rector, M.D., has practiced emergency medicine for the past 18 years. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Emergency Medicine.

© Copyright 2011 American Association of Physicians Practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique

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