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Top research psychiatrist promotes meditation for healing and transformation
by Jeanne Ball

Huffington Post    Translate This Article
1 June 2011

On 1 June 2011 Huffington Post reported: An in-depth interview with celebrated author and psychiatrist Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D., explores the subject of his new book--Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation--just published by Tarcher Penguin. The book, described in the article as 'a gracefully narrated, reader-friendly account, takes a subject that is subtle and, for many, elusive and renders it simple, clear and vitally relevant.' It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

As a 20-year senior researcher at the (US) National Institute of Mental Health, Dr Rosenthal became renowned for pioneering the study and treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Recently coming back to the practice of Transcendental Meditation after many years, 'he began recommending it to patients and delved into the scientific literature on the technique,' writes interviewer Jeanne Ball. 'To his surprise, scientific investigation of TM had produced a body of compelling evidence in many fields, from mental health and brain function to anxiety reduction and addiction. Especially impressed with studies showing reduced heart attack and stroke, Dr. Rosenthal asserts, ''If TM were a new prescription drug, conferring this many benefits, it would be a billion-dollar blockbuster.'' '

'As a scientist with over 30 years of clinical and research experience, I have found that once in a great while something comes along that truly surprises,' Dr Rosenthal says in the interview. 'TM is one such thing. I have examined the data—the literature, my patients and myself—and am persuaded that something very special is going on here.'

Click here to read the entire article.

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