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Natural health care at the Folk School for Development of Consciousness, Denmark

Folk School for Development of Consciousness, Denmark
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31 December 2010

The Health Care department of the Danish Folk School for Development of Consciousness, Rørvig Folkehøjskole, offers courses in the knowledge of the ancient, natural, holistic health care system Maharishi Ayur-Veda.

The course outline gives a full description of the programme:

You will learn:
Students gain simple tools to improve health as well as increase energy, happiness, and well-being. Happiness is not just the best medicine. It is also a means to increase motivation and develop creativity so that one is better able to handle challenges in all areas of life.  

Furthermore you will receive:
Students receive an individual health care and development programme, which includes personal guidance from teachers at regular intervals throughout the course.

The course includes such topics as nutrition, digestion, purification, exercise, yoga, meditation,* daily routine, aroma therapy, and many other tools that can be put to immediate use in daily life.

An essential element in a Maharishi Ayur-Veda consultation is Ayurvedic pulse reading, which within just a few minutes gives the health consultant a detailed picture of whether the Laws of Nature which structure the mind and body are balanced and functioning properly.  

A highlight of the course is the opportunity to enjoy Ayurvedic rejuvenation treatments including massage and herbal steam bath. This is an experience of ultimate comfort.  

The goal of the course is to improve quality of life. A course in Ayurvedic health care is an investment for life.

The health care department is conducted by Ayurveda consultant Joen Joensen. His qualifications include many years of training, 40 years of teaching, and more than 10,000 pulse readings.

© Copyright 2010 Rørvig Folkehøjskole

Global Good News comment:

* Students at the Folk School for Development of Consciousness have the opportunity to practise the Transcendental Meditation Programme, which extensive scientific research has shown to have wide-ranging benefits for mind and body.

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