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Transcendental Meditation 'keeps me young, healthy, and optimistic': Award-winning company president

Transcendental Meditation Program for Women Professionals -    Translate This Article
2 March 2010

Joanne Hollander is founder and president of an award-winning company that makes soy-based desserts sold through out North America. Her foods are designed for children and adults suffering from allergies and food intolerances, but are also popular with consumers who enjoy high-quality, healthy food. She credits the Transcendental Meditation program for an 'ongoing feeling of well-being'.

In comments published on a new Transcendental Meditation website dedicated to women professionals, Ms Hollander says that for her, the simple secret to having a fulfilling day is to be able to set out each morning feeling settled, dynamic, and happy.

'Once this condition is established, everything naturally flows and gets done without effort,' she says. 'The day unfolds like a string of little miracles. This is the benefit I receive daily from Transcendental Meditation practice.'

Ms Hollander says that the Transcendental Meditation technique rejuvenates and energizes her whole physiology, reduces her stress, and leaves her with an ongoing feeling of well-being.

'The challenges of daily life are always there for me,' she continues, 'yet what better way to face them than from a seat of pure personal joy. For me it is all about feeling rested and mentally clear all day long. I wish everyone would learn this technique. I am so grateful to have access to this knowledge that has transformed my life.'

Ms Hollander adds that the demands are enormous in her business arena: developing food products, managing employees and a factory, and being the public spokesperson for the company. 'Before I learned to meditate such demands seemed like insurmountable problems,' she says, 'but now they are experienced as exciting and challenging situations. The increased creativity that results from the Transcendental Meditation program makes the difference between struggling with business and enjoying business.

'My work therefore has become my play so I really love what I do. My meditation recharges my batteries, keeps me feeling young, healthy, and optimistic. The TM technique genuinely delivers the goods.'

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