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Dr Robert Keith Wallace on Immortality - our Birthright, Part II
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29 April 2007
Dr Robert Keith Wallace continued his recent brilliant conference presentation on immortality in human physiology and the new curriculum for a disease-free society being developed at the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland, with an in-depth discussion from the standpoint of DNA.
'We know the DNA itself is some four billion years old,' said Dr Wallace, 'so this knowledge has always been there. It is just mapped from the Unified Field, into the DNA, and it preserves these mathematics of immortality. So, we have in the genetic code, the most basic language of Nature, which all animals, all human beings share.' In this code we have 64 words, or 64 codons, and these 64 x 3—times the 3 fundamental tissue types—the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. From that we get 192, the same number of verses as in Rk Veda, and the number of countries in the world.
Referring to an earlier conference presentation (visit Modern quantum physics reveals the basis of immortality), he said, 'So this mathematics of immortality, as Dr John Hagelin pointed out, ''It's everywhere''.' Whether we look to the Unified Field, or whether we look in our physiology, Dr Wallace said, we see these same physics and mathematics of immortality. As Maharishi said, it's our birthright to have that. It's just a question of the expression of that knowledge. We can have it all inscribed in a perfect sequence along the DNA, but it has to be unfolded in such a way that this knowledge is not lost. In a very progressive way, step by step. And to ensure that, there has to be the proper experience.
As this knowledge unfolds, it demands a precise sequence of switches, all lined up in a perfect way. And if all these switches are lined up, then we get the proper expression of knowledge. But again, experience unfolds that potential.
'And what is the experience which gives us absolute bliss and yet doesn't harm the physiology in any way?' Dr Wallace asked. 'That is the experience of Bliss consciousness.'
All the mechanics of how to allow the physiology to unfold itself in bliss are there within the Vedic Literature. It is just a question of our taking advantage of it. 'This knowledge tells us that the brain is not static. It is not some hard-wired device,' said Dr Keith Wallace. 'It's incredibly dynamic. We can go into the most fine areas, say in the thalamus or the reticular activating system, the hypothalamus—in all these areas, there are millions of connections, a hundred million neurons all connected in an unimaginable way. And these connections are lively and they can change.' So when, through Maharishi's Vedic Technologies of Consciousness, 'we begin to resonate with that experience, when we stop violating Natural Law, we start aligning ourselves with this natural birthright.'
Then suddenly these connections within the brain begin to reconnect, Dr Wallace said. We see certain areas lighting up that were as if unused before. They were like metabolic holes in the brain, not being utilized. So now we are utilizing the whole brain, and this is an incredible machine to experience the full reality of life. But we need to get all the cosmic switches lined up perfectly, he explained. We need to get the different areas on the DNA working perfectly so this knowledge unfolds sequentially. It unfolds fully, and it unfolds in such a way that our brain begins to be able to experience immortality on a daily basis. 'Everything in our life is immortal,' he said.
We begin to see that there is no distinction between ourselves and other individuals. When an individual walks up to us, he is walking Veda, as Maharaja Nader Raam has so beautifully pointed out. 'Why would we ever want to harm the universe as it is walking toward us? Why would any religion want to conflict with another, when all religions see the Kingdom of Heaven within us, see that God is within all of us.'
So here we have perfect knowledge to bring about Perfect Health, to create enlightenment for the individual and invincibility for every nation. All we have to do is listen and take advantage.
In this way, Dr Wallace, an extraordinary luminary in the field of perfect health, raised the discussion of health to the level of higher states of consciousness in which the scientific truth of the unity of life is a living reality in daily life.
Please also visit Part I of this Global Good News series. For information about Maharishi's six-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
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