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Raja Bjarne discusses the Vedic implications of new nerve research in Denmark
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23 March 2007
Raja Bjarne Landsfeldt, leader of the Global Country of World Peace for Denmark, recently discussed new research on nerve function in Denmark, which the authors feel may have exciting implications for the future of anaesthesia.
The research, conducted at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, was discussed in a Global Good News report on 20 March 2007, 'Scientists say nerves use sound, not electricity'.
Focussing on the membrane that sheathes the nerves, which is composed of lipids and proteins, and taking into account the knowledge of physics including thermodynamics, the scientists' theory seeks to replace the currently accepted view that nerves transmit electrical impulses, with a new theory that says nerves function through transmitting sound impulses; and that anaesthetics function by stopping these sound impulses.
Raja Biarne's main point in discussing this research was its interesting correlations in terms of the knowledge sounds of the Veda in the human physiology. 'It will be natural to think of this in relation to the sounds of the Veda and their effect on balancing all aspects of the physiology,' Raja Bjarne said.
Raja Bjarne is referring to the beautiful discovery by Maharaja Nader Raam, first sovereign ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, which is presented fully in his landmark book, Human Physiology—Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature—Modern Science and Ancient Vedic Science Discover the Fabrics of Immortality in the Human Physiology—A Textbook of Life for Everyone.
In the book Raja Raam explains his discovery: 'The profound insights into the ancient Vedic Literature, brought to light by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi over the past 40 years, have guided the discovery that the laws that construct the human mind and body are the same as those that give structure to the syllables, verses, chapters, and books of the Vedic Literature, and to the administering intelligence of Natural Law described in the Vedic Literature in terms of Vedic Devatas.... This discovery brings to light physiology in terms of its inner intelligence, whose impulses are available in the form of sounds of Veda and the Vedic Literature.'
As one aspect of his Vedic Approach to Health, Maharishi has brought out the complete knowledge of the use of Vedic sounds for the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. He has explained that these Vedic technologies, for example Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology(sm), use 'Vedic Sounds from where they arise—the self-referral, settled state of mind—the self-interacting dynamics of consciousness that gives rise to the Vedic Sounds—Shruti—which are responsible for the expression of the physiology from the field of intelligence.'
In his book Raja Raam discusses these dynamics in terms of the physiology, explaining that 'the recitations of the sounds of the Vedic Literature in their proper sequence will resonate with the same anatomic structures to which they correspond. Their specific sequence will also enliven a specific sequence of neuronal, physiological activity. This will induce the physiology to function according to its original and perfect design.'
This discovery, under Maharishi's inspriation and guidance, Raja Raam explains, 'has unfolded the secrets of orderly functioning of all the organs in the body and how this orderliness can unfold its supreme quality, expressed as the absolute order in the infinite diversity of the universe.' It is that revelation of our scientific age, he says, 'that raises the individual dignity of human beings to the cosmic dignity of the universe.'
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