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A grand exposition on Maharishi Ayur-Veda Products by Dr Anand Srivastava
by Global Good News staff writer
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28 November 2006
Dr Anand Srivastava, chairman and managing director of Maharishi Ayurveda Products Ltd, India, presented a report at the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in MERU, The Netherlands, on the progress of this leading company. MAPL is engaged in the production and marketing of approximately 900 Ayurveda products consisting of proprietary and classical formulations. His presentation revealed the exceptional nature of what MAPL has to offer to the field of healthcare and to the world.
Dr Srivastava explained that Maharishi Ayur-Veda, whose ultimate goal is to create a disease-free society, is a holistic science that addresses all functions and processes of the physiology from the most subtle to the most physical, through simple, fundamental measures. Working from fundamental levels of the physiology is the key to the powerful, all encompassing benefits of this system of medicine. Dr Srivastava said that he has derived great fulfilment as director of Maharishi Ayur-Veda from working with a system of medicine that will usher in an era of perfect health and enlightenment.
Dr Srivastava pointed out that until now the public has been mostly exposed to a limited and fragmented understanding of medicine, in the context of which Ayur-Veda has been labelled just another system of medicine, alternative medicine, or a system of herbal medicine.
As brilliantly brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the great sage and founder of the organization, Ayur-Veda is in actuality the science of life—the science of totality of life. It is the totality of the whole lifespan. Ayus means the whole life span; Veda means total knowledge. The full glory of Ayur-Veda is revealed as an all-encompassing science of life.
The true purpose of Ayur-Veda is not just to maintain the physical and mental health of the healthy and to cure the sick; it goes far beyond this to encompass the whole life span of everyone and brings the individual to invincibility and enlightenment.
The classical texts of Ayur-Veda define health as: balance in Doshas*, balance in Agnis (digestive fire), strong Dhatus (tissues), proper elimination, blissful senses and mind, and harmony at the deepest level of Atma, or the inner Self of everyone. Health is balance on all levels.
(*For more information on the Doshas and balance in bodily systems, please see
Dr Srivastava also explained that health should be regarded from the angle of immortality. Ayur-Vedic preparations can slow and even stop the ageing process when supreme balance is achieved in the physiology and life is fully attuned to Natural Law.
Maharishi has brought out this science of balance of mind, body, and consciousness; of environmental balance; and of totality of life. Based upon the profound results of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, Maharishi has drawn international attention to the marked contrast between the fragmented approach of conventional medicine and the holistic approach of Maharishi Ayur-Veda.
Maharishi Ayur-Veda herbal preparations Synergy, as applied to the preparation of Maharishi Ayur-Veda products, means a resulting product which is more than the sum total of specific ingredients. Maharishi has given a very elaborate description of how a product is to be designed and this has resulted in superior products that are more than just the combination of herbs. As a result, many Maharishi Ayur-Veda products require only very small doses of herbs to produce satisfactory, holistic results due to this formula of synergy.
Maharishi Ayur-Veda in contrast to herbal medicine
Maharishi Ayur-Veda:
Maharishi Ayur-Veda is backed by Vedic wisdom and vast Ayur-Vedic texts. The unique synergy of herbs provides balanced and lasting results even in small dosages, and the precise design according to the Vedic system creates long-lasting balance.
Conventional herbal medicine:
In contrast, commercial herbal medicine common in the world today is backed by fragmented and detail-specific research. Indiscriminate use of herbs in multiple products results in over-consumption and causes unbalanced physiology. Product design based on commercial considerations causes imbalance, short life span from the side effects, and ineffective results.
Maharishi Ayur-Veda products are tied to the ancient system of knowledge of Ayur-Veda and the eternal science of Vedic knowledge. Ayur-Vedic masters in India have designed Maharishi Ayur-Vedic products from formulae that have been time proven for thousands of years. The depth of this knowledge distinguishes Maharishi Ayur-Veda from being of mere system of herbal medicine.
The holistic vision of Maharishi Ayur-Veda—three major components:
Products and Certification:
MAPL production facilities voluntarily do internal and external audits of quality control. In addition, the facilities have the highest degrees of certification, setting Maharishi Ayur-Veda apart from other companies.
Here are some major certifications MAPL has received for successfully distributing products in 45 countries:
- ISO 9001: ISO certification is the international standard for assessing management, testing, and manufacturing in production companies. The ISO review targets twenty quality categories including design control, production, storage, and inspection and testing procedures. The stringent criteria used to evaluate Maharishi Ayur-Veda are the same as those used to assess nuclear power plants.
- HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points requires a close focus on achieving step-by-step quality at every stage of production, identified as critical control points. The objective is to produce and deliver health-hazard free (i.e. clinically safe) products.
- GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices certification is awarded for manufacturing and delivering consistently effective, safe, and reliable products, batch after batch. An independent panel of experts conducts extensive investigations to verify that the company has established manufacturing systems and practices that ensure error free, safe, and consistently high quality products before this certification is issued.
- GLP: Good Laboratory Practices sets high quality standards and control of laboratory practices including calibration and standards for equipment, maintaining high standard of chemicals used for testing, and vigilance on maintenance and organization of certification in farms and orchards.
- WHOGMP: The World Health Organization, established in 1956, certifies Good Manufacturing Practices for maintaining quality and required cleanliness.
- ISOTECH 17025:1999: Maintains quality control, standards, and quality of equipment, plus standards for performance by personnel.
The following are the varieties of products offered by MAPI and available in India:
Divine Range Rasayana Range, Classical Range, Rasa Aushadhi Range*, Health Professional Range, Food Supplement Range, Health Food Range, and Personal Care Range.
Due to the strong commitment by MAPL associates to uphold the highest standards in production, certain MAPI products have been selected for clinical trials by the government of India.
Maharishi Ayur-Veda Products Ltd has 70 full time scientists conducting research and development in many areas of major health concerns, from cancer to dental health. 76 studies have been completed by MAPL and clinics in several major cities. New products will be developed with accompanying clinical trials.
Plans for the future include bigger production facilities and the purchase of large agricultural land for farms, dairies, and other raw material production and marketing. Collection centres will expand from the present 14 facilities.
Localized production facilities will be established as needed. Dairy production and organic herbal farms will be expanded and quality control upgraded. New farms, including dairies, will be started at the Brahmasthan—centre—of India.
Training centres will be established in towns near many facilities. On a world-wide basis, current experts in Maharishi Ayur-Veda will be updated on the latest knowledge. Many other training facilities will be launched in locations such as Brazil and throughout Asia.
*NOTE: Dr Srivastava noted that the knowledge and production for Ayur-Veda products have been on the verge of extinction due to such combined factors as lack of interest and incorrect manufacture leading to inadequate results. The procedures involve very specific and careful refining and processing of metallic bhasmas, or ash, and were reintroduced to Maharishi Ayur-Veda by Dr VM Dwivedi. These procedures are not yet be available outside India, but Indian government researchers are highly interested, as the Rasa Aushadhi range of products, as an example, is regarded as being profoundly effective therapy with life-saving potential.
Copyright 2006 Global Good News
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