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Taiwanese exhibitors tantalize taste buds at recent Fancy Food Show in New York
by Manik Mehta

The Taiwan Journal    Translate This Article
20 August 2006

On 20 August 2006 The Taiwan Journal reported: Maharishi Honey was a big crowd pleaser at this year's National Association for the Specialty Food Trade show recently held in the United States. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

More than 2,000 sellers and suppliers of specialty foods from the United States and 73 other countries exhibited their wares at the show, which was held 9 to 11 July in New York.

The article stated that while some of the Taiwanese food companies introduced innovative health-oriented, high-quality products to the United States they should take note of the intelligently marketed Maharishi Honey.

[Taiwanese food companies] 'might consider following the example of Maharishi Honey, a pure, organic honey from Brazil, which was a big hit at this year's show.'

Noting Maharishi Honey's claim that '... its product has special health benefits because it uses Vedic farming techniques, and pays close attention to the 12 specific nourishing qualities of the sun,' the article suggested that 'Taiwanese businesses could also take advantage of the current tendency for consumers in many Western markets, particularly in the United States and Western Europe, to buy health food and organic foods.

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