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Calm moments ease stress
by Nancy Venderly, The Journal Gazette writer    Translate This Article
Fort Wayne, United States
1 May 2005

On 1 May 2005 reported: The Mind/Body Medical Institute at Harvard Medical School says over 50 per cent of US adults report high stress on a daily basis. To combat stress, this article offered information on various types of meditation, including Transcendental Meditation. It noted that TM has been instrumental in making meditation a mainstream practice in the US. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

The Mind/Body Medical Institute at Harvard Medical School says more than 50 per cent of US adults report high stress on a daily basis which, left untreated, can affect performance and health.

The article noted that meditation is an ancient practice, but is quickly becoming a recognized method in modern times of treating stress and gaining mental, physical, and emotional benefits.

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a simple, uncomplicated technique which the article reported as the 'most prevalent' form of meditation in the in United States. According to the article, 'TM, which has been the subject of research and study, has been significant in bringing meditation to more of a mainstream audience and to greater respect as a health-care practice.'

The article noted that TM is known for is its profound effects on both the mind and the body. The author explained that a study at the University of California Los Angeles found that during the practice of TM, the individual experiences a unique state of rest in the body while at the same time achieving alertness in the mind. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that individuals practising TM experience lowered blood pressure, decreased heart rate and metabolic rate, and reduced nervous system activity.

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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