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Belgium: From past experience, meditators in Brussels anticipate good effects for this week's EU summit
by Global Good News staff writer

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25 September 2012

A conference of meditators will convene in Brussels, Belgium to support the upcoming European Union summit to be held there. The group anticipates that the coherence-creating effects of their advanced Transcendental Meditation practice will be felt, based on the success of a previous meditation conference and its effect on the concurrent EU summit.

Stijn van den Bosch, director of the Transcendental Meditation programme in Belgium, elaborated:

'During the last EU summit in June, we organized our first [meditation conference] together with the summit. Forty [participants] gathered and the effect of our group was really tremendous.'

The results were noticed by news media, he added, though they did not know to what they should attribute the positive effects.

'Although the expectations of the summit were low, the heads of state already came to an agreement on the first day of the meeting,' Mr van den Bosch said.

One newspaper commented that after 20 failed EU summits, this was one that finally produced some good results.

Mr van den Bosch was also alluding to published scientific research documenting the effect of decreased conflict and increased coherence and harmony produced in the vicinity of large groups of advanced Transcendental Meditation practitioners.

Similar results are expected from the upcoming meditation conference 18-20 October, which corresponds with the next EU summit (18-19 October). Mr van den Bosch explained that around 50 participants are expected, and the conference will be held only a few hundred metres from the main meeting hall of the European Council in Brussels.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gunter Chassé, a retired, decorated officer in the German Air Force who also practises and teaches Transcendental Meditation, explained that the meditators 'create a nourishing and enriching influence for the good decisions of the leaders. . . . The decisions of the European leaders will be for the best of each individual country, and at the same time, for the EU as a whole.'

Mr van den Bosch added that the group is concerned for the welfare and future of Europe. Past participants have come from all over the EU, including Holland, Germany, France, Italy, Finland, and Belgium.

See Parts I and II of this article:
'Coherence-creating conference of meditators gathers to lend quiet support to EU summit in Brussels'
'Brussels, Belgium: Conference of advanced meditators aims to create coherence, support EU summit progress'

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