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Coherence-creating conference of meditators gathers to lend quiet support to EU summit in Brussels
by Global Good News staff writer

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25 September 2012

A conference of meditators who practise the Transcendental Meditation technique will be held in Brussels, Belgium, to create coherence and harmony in the environment at the same time a European summit is convened to discuss the future of the continent.

The European Council meets at least twice every six months in Brussels. It is made up of the heads of government of the EU member states and the President of the European Commission. The upcoming meeting is scheduled for 18-19 October.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gunter Chassé, a decorated officer in the German Air Force with 40 years of military service, explained the goal of the summit.

'The heads of state and government of the EU come together in Brussels to shape the future of Europe. Again on the agenda are steps towards an economic and monetary union. And the heads of state are looking for solutions to solve the ongoing financial crisis.'

Because of the import of this summit and the delicacy of the decisions to be made, Col. Chassé and other teachers of Transcendental Meditation have organized a conference of meditators whose group practice will quietly lend an underlying influence of coherence and support to the summit proceedings.

The plan is to gather a group of 50 or more meditators and practitioners of the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi programme from 18 to 20 October. They will meditate together for extended periods twice a day in a building that is near where the EU summit will be held.

Col. Chassé added that the meditators are 'coming to perform their powerful coherence-creating programme in the Maharishi Invincibility Centre (Transcendental Meditation centre), just a few hundred metres away from the place where the political leaders will be meeting. . . .

'This coherence creating is so needed in the EU,' he said.

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