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How does total Natural Law behave? The Ramayana in Vedic literature and in human physiology
by Global Good News staff writer
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6 October 2011
On Victory Day, 6 October, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, continued his address, explaining that total knowledge of Natural Law is also available 'in the most accessible form for human understanding . . . through example, through story', in particular aspects of the Vedic literature.
Please see Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV of this article.
'There is another aspect which is very profound,' Maharaja said, 'and that is the aspect of Itihas. Itihas contains the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata. In that specific aspect of Natural Law, of the Veda, of knowledge, of supreme knowledge—the way Natural Law is described is through examples: precept, ability to see what is the behaviour of Natural Law, how does it behave. And that is explained in stories.
'So the story actually has one level of its own reality, which is the interactions of different people with each other, and going through different events in their lives, and reacting in one way or the other. That is one level of understanding. The more profound level that Maharishi brought to light is just the display of Natural Law in action.
'It's also, we can say, the compassion of nature, to give us so many levels one can see Natural Law functioning. One is on the most abstract form, the transcendental pure Being. The other is on the sound level. The other is even on the expressed level of actually living and performing: What is Raam? Raam is Brahm (Totality, total Natural Law). Raam Brahm paramarath rupa—Raam is the totality of Natural Law living, in a living form.
'Therefore it is natural if we say, the Totality living, acting, and interacting—to realize that, how does it interact? What does it do? How does it react? How does it go from one point to the other? How does Totality actually behave? It's fascinating that the Veda gives us the behaviour of Totality in the most accessible form for human understanding, and that is through example, through story. That is the story of the Ramayana.
'But the story of the Ramayana therefore, and the victory of Raam, and the victory of Brahm over total space, time, and reality, is supreme knowledge, it's total Natural Law. And Veda is total Natural Law, and the Self is total Natural Law. And the body is total Natural Law, as we have seen in the discovery of Veda and Vedic literature in human physiology.*
'So they must resemble each other, because total Natural Law is total Natural Law—it expresses itself sometimes this way, sometimes that way—the expressions might be different, but the dynamics, the interactions, the laws that structure them or that are expressed through them, are the same. That is Totality, that is Brahm, that is wholeness acting, thinking, behaving, interacting.
'Therefore again, those interactions must be similar to our individual human physiology. Why? Because we are made in the form, in the structure of Totality ourselves. Aham Brahmasmi, I am Totality. Tat tvam asi, thou art That. Sarvam khalvidam Brahm, everything is That. Yatha pinde, tatha Brahmande—that small individual or small atom is the same as Totality, wholeness, the entire universe.
'Our ability to experience pure consciousness, our ability to live perfection in life, is because we are already structured in a way that can take all Natural Law together in one package, and that package is our human physiology.'
Global Good News will continue to feature the address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam on Victory Day, in which he continued to discuss how the knowledge of total Natural Law and ideal administration in the Ramayana is expressed in human physiology. Maharaja also presented his new book, Ramayana in Human Physiology, recently completed.
* Maharaja is referring to his historic discovery, under Maharishi's guidance, which identified the precise correspondence between the fundamental structures of Natural Law found in the Veda and Vedic literature, and the fundamental structures and functions of human physiology.
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