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Celebrating the enlivenment of infinite silence, total Natural Law, in individual and world consciousness
by Global Good News staff writer
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2 March 2011
On 2 March the Global Country of World Peace celebrated the Vedic festival day of Mahashivaratri—celebrating the field of infinite silence of total Natural Law at the basis of all activity in the universe—pure consciousness, the Self of everyone.
The celebration, held at the Global Capital of World Peace* at the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India, connected via video conference with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Peace Palace in MERU, Holland, featured special Vedic performances by Maharishi Vedic Pandits in both locations.
Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country, explained that this is the day in the Vedic calendar 'when the value of pure consciousness is most lively and accessible to bestow spiritual and material progress and fulfilment in life. The performance of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits on this special day awakens these beautiful qualities in individual consciousness and in world consciousness.'
A great highlight was the video replay of beautiful remarks by Maharishi on this occasion in 2007. Following the Vedic Pandits' recitations during that celebration, Maharishi expressed the resolution that 'We will continue establishing the Capitals of Raam Raj** throughout the world'.
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi as First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, also addressed today's celebration.
'Silence—the source, course, and goal of everything, the power of all Natural Law, all creativity, all that is good, all balance and peace, and all dynamism—that infinite silence we celebrate today,' Maharaja said.
Referring to Maharishi's remarks from 2007, Maharaja expressed the commitment of his global administration to create the structure of special centres of the Global Country of World Peace that Maharishi designed to be established throughout India, comprising 12 Jyotir Lingas and 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars.** Along with a group of 16,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the Brahmasthan of the country, groups of 1,500 Pandits in these locations will be enlivening the field of infinite silence and peace for the whole world consciousness through their daily Vedic recitations and group practice of Yogic Flying.
Maharaja described these centres as 'those seats which are the energy source of silence for the whole world', which will be 'blessing the whole world from the land of the Veda'.
* On 12 January 2008 Maharishi designated the Global Capital at the Brahmasthan of India as the Global Capital of Raam Raj (administration through Natural Law, Heaven on Earth).
** Maharishi perfected the organization of his global Administration through Silence, by establishing an administrative structure centered around the 12 auspicious Jyotir Linga in India—each of the 12 Linga associated with four key cities of India. Each city will have a special administrative locale known as the Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar, in honour of Maharishi's Master—Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas. Each of the 48 cities also maintains a relationship with four countries of the world. Thus the eternal silence of the Veda, total Natural Law, will be radiating from India, the Land of the Veda, to uphold the invincibility of 192 countries.
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