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New president of Colombia visits indigenous peoples, the 'custodians of Natural Law'
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 August 2010

Latin America is seeing important new developments in government and education, which reflect rising collective consciousness within the continent due to large groups of Yogic Flyers, said the leader of the Global Country of World Peace in Latin America recently.

Most notable is that the new President of Colombia, before assuming office, visited the most traditional indigenous people of Latin America. 'As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has said, indigenous peoples are the custodians of Natural Law,' said Raja Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja of Invincible Latin America. He went on to say that this indigenous tribe, which resides within Colombia, displays a deeply refined, soft, and spiritual characteristic.

'Once receiving the blessings of the indigenous people—the blessings of Natural Law—the president then felt ready to assume office under national law,' continued Raja Luis. He remarked that having a president with the willingness to gain support of Natural Law for his administration will bring great transformation to Colombia and to the whole continent.

Also in Latin America, several large universities have requested to implement Consciousness-Based Education immediately, among groups of a few thousand students. 'Before now,' said Raja Luis, 'the structure of university curriculums made it difficult to introduce the programme, but now institutions are beginning to revise student schedules to accommodate regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme.' He said that universities are beginning to value their potential role of producing new enlightened leaders of society.

* Raja Luis's report was featured on the 10 August 2010 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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