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Maharishi's principles of administration find warm welcome in summit of 2,000 mayors, 6,000 administrators
by Global Good News staff writer

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16 September 2009

The recent founding of the Latin American Institute of Science, Technology, and Public Policy was a natural outcome of the summit of the Latin American Association of Mayors from 2 to 4 September in Argentina.

Attendees at the summit, which hosted 2,000 mayors as well as 6,000 legislative and municipal staff, and public administrators, were deeply inspired by presentations from Raja Robert Wynne, Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City, and Mayor Ed Malloy of Fairfield, both in Iowa, USA.

Commenting further on the summit on 10 September,* Raja Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja* of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace, explained that Mayor Wynne and Mayor Malloy presented Maharishi's programmes as tools for administration.

Raja Luis had organized the National Directors of the Global Country in many Latin American nations to produce resource materials for the summit in five areas: education, culture, health care, architecture, and rehabilitation–prevention of violence in cities. These pamphlets and many other materials were offered to the mayors and other assembled dignitaries, who were given the opportunity to request participation in Maharishi's programmes.

Raj Luis commented that it was very uplifting to hear the two enlightened mayors, Mayor Wynne and Mayor Malloy, who have implemented in their cities Maharishi's programmes for better life and perfect administration in every area of life.

Also on 10 September, Mayor Wynne commented that the conference was very successful, and the audience very receptive. He and Mayor Malloy were invited to speak by the Co-President of the Mayors' Association for all of Latin America—Dr Julio Pereyra, Mayor of Florencio Varela, Argentina, who is a long-time practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.

Global Good News will feature more about Mayor Wynne's presentation in the coming days.

* A Raja is the administrator of the cosmic value of life from the absolute, unmanifest field of eternal silence deep within his own consciousness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi appointed Rajas for 192 countries of the world, to ensure invincibility for every nation and world peace by establishing groups of experts in the technologies of Maharishi's Vedic Science.

** Raja Luis spoke on the 10 September Maharishi Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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