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Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace addresses conference on problem-free government - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer
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21 June 2007
Speaking at the recent press conference on Creating Prevention Oriented, Problem-Free Government, Dr Bevan Morris, the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, continued to discuss the knowledge that Maharishi has made available to transform the destiny of any individual and nation, reported in Part I of this article.
'This is the other great magic,' Dr Morris said. 'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gave us two great themes of the magic of the Vedic Tradition of knowledge .... One—Jyotish—to predict the future, and Grahashanti to take away oncoming negativity through the power of the Vedic Recitations of the Vedic Pandits; and the second, the power of Vedic Education to give children the experience of the Constitution of the Universe itself, and enliven that directly in their own lives and in the life of their nation.
'Maharishi explained ... that the students begin to experience how everything is embodied in a single sound. They analayze, they gain direct experience of the fundamental unity of everything embodied in the sound 'A'—and then they experience how everything can be analyzed, all the Vedic Sounds in the whole universe analyzed as present in that single reality of their experience of transcendental consciousness. But analysis is not enough—to know fully one must also have synthesis. This is what this expression of Vedic Knowledge says—'Analysis and synthesis gives Total Knowledge.'
'Having experienced that Totality, all diversity of the universe, has been located within the transcendental Unified Field within 'A', its fundamental sound 'A', then the students experience how all of that once again is synthesized into that unified reality. As the student going to school one way experiences the way to school, coming back [he] experiences the same path but from a different direction. Experiencing the analysis and the synthesis—analysis of everything in 'A', and synthesis of everything in the universe into 'A'—then the student gains Total Knowledge.
'...With [that] level of enlightenment growing in the youngsters, they will be able to achieve anything for the nation, even a very small number of them. Maharishi explained that everything that there is, the Vedic Literature says, is in this single sound 'A' ... which is the sound of one's own transcendental consciousness reverberating. In that is the totality of all knowledge, of all Natural Law, and of everything whatsoever.
'This is what is to be given to the children. Then they will grow up to know, as Maharishi explained, the ultimate level of experience which is Brahmi Chetana, or Unity Consciousness, where they discover ... the analogy of the snake and the string. ... actually when we see the analogy, we know from Maharishi's past explanations, that there is a string on the road, but somehow in the twilight there is seen to be a snake instead of a string. It is a mistaken vision—it is not a snake, it's a string—there never was any snake. Yet the heart pounds.
'In the same way as these children grow up to be enlightened through their education, they will come to experience that all the various conflicting tendencies, all the multiplicity, is not actually multiplicity at all. That all there is [is] unity and Aham Brahmasmi, I am that unity. ....
'This is the level of experience, that will come to the enlightened students of Maharishi Central University and of all the Invincibility Schools, and of all the people at the invincibility centres that are being opened around the world. This is the level of vision that they will have, and on this basis every nation in the world is going to enjoy ideal administration, is going to enjoy invincibility.
'Maharishi explained that all this misery that exists in the world is only due to a mistake in the vision. It is said ... that 'as is your vision, so is the world.' So when people's vision has been full of diversity, conflict stress, the world was like that. Now with the youngsters growing up on the level where their Drishtih (Drishtih means the vision) is free of Dosha, free of impurity, their vision is unified, the power of those youngsters to secure a unified, peaceful, harmonious national life, will be absolutely invincible in its nature.
'This is the situation now—the era when governments depended upon man-made laws full of human frailties and mistakes is over. Now we have a turnkey knowledge. Dr Hagelin has presented it, anyone could use that knowledge in any nation to make their nation invincible. And then it will be just like when the sun rises, everyone basks in the sun. Every nation can now do this, and the turnkey operation that we have is the gift of Maharishi's Master, Guru Dev.
'The Guru is supreme in this tradition, because the Guru gives the techniques, the Guru gives the technique that is required for this transformation of destiny, averting dangers created by one's past actions through Jyotish and Yagya, and securing an ideal future where the whole world is supported by the Constitution of the Universe itself, through following the example of Madhuchchhandas, and experiencing directly the structure of the Constitution of the Universe as the structure of one's own unbounded consciousness.
'Dr Hagelin has recommended to all to get out of all misery and suffering in every nation by taking advantage of this golden chance, of this golden knowledge that has come. Maharishi is quietly organizing, as Dr Hagelin said, to implement this knowledge in schools, in countries, some 36 countries in the world—as well as [to have] Vedic Pandits, experts in this knowledge to wherever they are required, to create this direct effect of the enlivenment of the Constitution of the Universe for that nation to have such integrated collective consciousness that its collective consciousness is the Constitution of the Universe [and] is completely integrated with, aligned with that mighty force of Natural Law that administers the galactic universe and which is our own self-referral nature in the unmanifest field of our own consciousness.
'Maharishi gave this as he always does, with his great heart, great sentiment, great feeling, all glory to his Vedic Tradition of Masters, but also, all glory to the scientific tradition which today has begun to see that this is the reality, this unified reality, and to all the religions of the world also.
'Maharishi said: ''All the wise men of all times have been saying exactly this very same thing.'' It's all of their aspirations for all times for this to be lived by the whole human race is now coming true. So this is the great time of the human race. We are seeing the vision of that Unified Field-based administration which will dominate the world and allow it to enjoy Heaven on Earth for millennia to come.'
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