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Dr Eike Hartmann presents Vedic Architecture and the Reconstruction of the World
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17 April 2007
Maharishi Sthapatya Veda—Vedic Architecture—is one of the life-transforming elements of Vedic Science which Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has re-enlivened in our age. It is the supreme knowledge of Architecture and Planning which promotes the design of buildings and cities in proper proportion, and correctly oriented to the cardinal directions.
Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Global Reconstruction of the Global Country of World Peace, spoke at a recent Press Conference on the Global Reconstruction Programme for Permanent World Peace—the second of five conferences in the current series being held at the Global Financial Capital of New York, and being broadcast live on the Maharishi Channel and over the Internet.
Dr Hartmann explained that Sthapatya Veda is the Architecture of Ayurveda, the Vedic prevention-oriented health-care system which considers the house as an extension of the physiology. Maharishi has said, 'Because the individual is cosmic, everything about the individual life should also be in full harmony with cosmic life.' And because most people spend 90 per cent of their time in one building or another, the correlation between these two aspects of life has a great impact on life.
Dr Hartmann said that Maharaja Nader Raam, first sovereign ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, in his pioneering research, has found that the Architecture of human physiology has a one to one relationship with our cosmic counterparts—the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Our brain is highly sensitive to orientation, position, and direction in space, and research has shown that the firing patterns of neurons in the thalamus of the brain are altered by the direction one is facing.
When one is facing east, Dr Hartmann explained, the brain physiology functions differently and much more coherently than when facing north, south, or west. One's sense of direction gets confused in daily life when one lives in a building with wrong orientation, resulting in all kinds of physiological, psychological, and behavioral imbalances. In the ancient text of the Ashtanga Sangraha (in the Vedic Literature), it says one should not even live one day in a building that is not according to Vastu (Vedic Architecture).
'It is not commonly known that the orientation of residential, governmental, educational, and office buildings has a powerful influence on the success and progress of the inhabitants, and on their health, happiness, and fortune,' said Dr Hartmann. A great deal of suffering, disease, chaos, and failure in business and government could be prevented by using the Vedic principles of building according to the laws of nature.
Vedic Architecture is the only science in the world that has a correct and profound understanding of the quality and effect of different types of orientation. For example, he explained, when the building entrance is to the east, it is very auspicious and contributes to all the positive effects of enlightenment, health, and fulfillment. When the entrance is facing towards the south, there are destructive influences, problems, and suffering.
Wrongly placed entrances may contribute to inauspicious or negative influences including anger, aggression, constant fear, poverty, constant problems, lack of vitality and success, and even chronic diseases.
These inauspicious influences, produced by wrong orientation of buildings in a city, accumulate day after day, year after year, and cause a cloud of social stress hovering over they city, which will eventually break releasing destructive forces of nature. These could manifest in natural catastrophes like earthquakes, hurricanes, or epidemics, said Dr Hartmann. This will affect everyone alike because violation of natural law is a criminal offence, and ignorance of the law is no excuse.
The conclusion, he said, is that every existing city has to be transformed into a coherent, ideal city where every building, every home, is a fortune-creating building. Modern city planning doesn't have this knowledge of orientation. All modern cities were built according to the understanding of the construction and planning available at the time, and have been growing uncontrolled like cancer in a very deplorable and chaotic way.
'Now a new knowledge is dawning in this scientific age, and we should not repeat the mistakes of the past,' Dr Hartmann said. We have studied and evaluated the parameters of modern cities including London, Paris, Washington, New York, Boston, Moscow, Rome, and Brussels. People everywhere are suffering under the well-known 'sick building' syndrome, and the 'sick planning' syndrome—therefore all these cities have to be reconstructed either in the same place, or at another more auspicious location.
Government buildings, where the destiny of the nation is being decided, need to be structured according to Vedic Architecture, as the buildings themselves create so many unnecessary obstacles to the success of the administration. For this reason, he said, Maharishi has repeatedly called on government leaders to abandon all improperly designed buildings, 'as if an earthquake had hit the building'. There are many such buildings in almost every capital of every country.
Dr Hartmann explained that the population in general does not need to know about the complex principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. It is sufficient to adopt them as by-laws of city planning, and then the root cause of at least 50 per cent of all problems in private and professional life could be prevented—as was done by the City Council in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA. This is real prevention on the individual and collective level.
When the whole city plan is laid out according to Sthapatya Veda, concluded Dr Hartmann, it has maximum inner coherence, and any negative influences remain outside the city boundaries, 'creating ideal, harmonious living conditions for the fortunate inhabitants of such an Invincible City'.
Maharishi announced on 14 April that the complete messages of Dr Eike Hartmann from the Press Conference on Global Reconstruction, and that of Dr John Hägelin from the Press Conference on Invincible Defense, will be replayed continuously by satellite, round the world.
For information about Maharishi's six-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
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