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The world celebrates the rulership of his Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam
Business Portal 24 news website Translate This Article
10 January 2006
Press release from Business Portal 24:
On the auspicious day of the 10th of January, the world remembers with great joy the Proclamation of His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam, which he made after his coronation as First Sovereign Ruler of the Global Country in the year 2000, to establish Global Administration to prevent problems for all nations in order to maintain perpetual peace on Earth:
'With feelings of adoration for the custodians of pure knowledge, the Vedic Tradition of Masters; and with deep respect and honour for the tradition of Divine Rulership throughout the ages—sovereign rule through the Will of God; and
with feelings of humility, I accept the responsibility to establish the administration which will maintain perpetual peace on Earth.
'The guiding light of my performance will be the eternal Light of Pure Knowledge—Natural Law—the Will of God.
'The Constitution of my administration will be the Constitution of the Universe, the intelligence of Nature, that administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order and is naturally applicable to life on Earth. My administration will be through Natural Law, which is always evolutionary to everything and everyone.
'The total knowledge of Natural Law, the Veda and Vedic Literature, is the Constitution of the Universe. The Veda and Vedic Literature will therefore be the Constitution of my administration of the Global Country of World Peace.
My administration will centre around one word: 'KNOWLEDGE', which means Veda. This is because Veda is the Constitution of the Universe, the administering intelligence of Nature.
'The total theme of Vedic Administration is contained in the Vedic Literature in one word—the first word of Rk Veda—which sequentially expands into the first Richa, the first Sukta, the first Mandala, and finally into the ten Mandals of Rk Veda which are further sequentially elaborated in all the Vedic Literature; 40 sequentially elaborated values of the Vedic Literature together form the total Constitution of the Universe.
'I must emphasize on the perfection of the sequential elaboration of this Vedic Literature, which expresses the Constitution of the Universe from its point value to its unbounded value in the ever-expanding universe.
'This Constitution of the Universe is in the form of Veda Vani—vibrations of Vedic Sound—the reverberating intelligence of the Laws of Nature, which then sequentially, and yet simultaneously, evolve into the physiology of the individual and the universe.
'The Constitution of the Universe is so complete one can only marvel at its sequential evolution—the evolution of the Laws of Nature from their most concentrated state at the intelligence of the point value of creation—Unified WHOLENESS—expressing itself in the ever- expanding reality of the physical universe.
'It is easy to conceive of this knowledge of the Constitution of the Universe in terms of its pulsating nature.
'From Unified WHOLENESS, the silent abstract field of the Constitution of the Universe pulsates as Veda Vani—the vibrations of Vedic Sound—reverberating structures of sound consolidating as waves that appear as structures of form in the manifest universe.
'Ultimately, what we find is the pulsating universe—far expanding and deeply contracting—diversifying and unifying.
'This pulsating phenomenon is a phenomenon of consciousness—self-referral consciousness—which is at the basis of all processes of creation and evolution.
'A special thing to note is that total Natural Law functions at every level of evolution, and that is why my administration will use this theme of natural evolution, where total Natural Law is available to every level of evolution.
'The Constitution of the Universe, Natural Law, has been sung in the melodious Mother Tongues of all countries, and in the exalted expressions of the sacred literatures of different religions that continue to echo, age after age, sanctifying our world through the precious knowledge of the divine Will of God.
'My administration will be through EDUCATION. In my Global Country of World Peace, complete education will be made available to everyone, firstly, basically, on the ground of the unmanifest field of consciousness, so that the physiology of everyone and his inner field of consciousness are fully harmonized; and every individual is fully integrated, society is fully integrated, and the world as a whole is fully integrated with the cosmos around it.
'Integration will characterize my administration through education. Integrated individuals, societies, and nations will be created in my Global Country of World Peace through Vedic Education; Vedic Health Care; Vedic Defence; Vedic Administration; Vedic Agriculture; Vedic Law, Justice, and Rehabilitation; Vedic Management; Vedic Industry; Vedic Architecture; etc.
'It will be my joy to establish Automation in Administration through proper education—total education of Natural Law—in order that everyone develops his full Cosmic Potential to live life without mistakes.
'An educated man in my Global Country of World Peace will have complete theoretical and practical knowledge of himself—his self-referral Atma—the structures of consciousness in terms of speech, action, and behaviour—so that he is a complete man, awake in his full creative potential—an individual with Cosmic Dimensions—a man who will spontaneously escalate his field of Atma into the blossoming of the waves of Veda, and spontaneously put the evolutionary influence of Veda to practice—driving his passage of evolution without steps—escalating forward, on and on in a smooth manner.
'Proper education means total education to spontaneously maintain the liveliness of Unity in diversity and diversity in Unity in practical daily life. That means the essential knowledge of the physical sciences and the Science of Consciousness.
'Vedic Education will develop a perfect man who will always use his total brain potential and will not make mistakes in view of the evolutionary nature of Natural Law that governs the universe with perfect order.
'In his naturally fully developed consciousness, or intelligence, realizing the universe in terms of himself in every way—in his every thought, speech, action, and behaviour—the fully developed, perfect individual will spontaneously behave from his level of enlightenment, living and displaying Unity in diversity and diversity in Unity in a very spontaneous manner—the demonstration of full human potential, which is Cosmic.
'A fully developed individual in my Sovereign Domain of the Global Country of World Peace will be a mature Citizen of World Peace, and will play a universal role in daily life. He will spontaneously harness the total organizing power of Natural Law to fulfil all his desires. He will be a citizen of the peaceful Global Country of World Peace.
'The Constitution of the Universe is the original Language of the Veda, the eternal Language of Nature; and we have rightfully received it from the enlightened Masters of the eternal oral tradition, the Tradition of Vedic Masters.
'With recitation of the names of the Vedic Tradition, we feel inspired to announce the structure of the Global Government of the Global Country of World Peace. . . .
'My administration of the Global Country of World Peace will be an integrated administration. There will be 40 ministers and certainly many deputy ministers of each ministry, but they will all be tied down to a common source in the one-syllable compactified value of the Cosmic Constitution of the Universe in the first word of Rk Veda, which expresses Unity in the infinite diversity of the whole creation.
'This Constitution of the Universe is my strength on the basis of which my Global Administration will be able to offer perfection in life to every individual in the world.
'Through my policies of Vedic Education, all the nations of the world will enjoy Automation in Administration. World peace will be perpetual in spite of differences in the political and economic levels of the national Constitutions of all countries.
'The Global Country of World Peace that we have established will truly be the guiding light of perfection, commencing now on the profound scientific basis of total Natural Law—the Will of God.
'Every ministry of my Global Country of World Peace will be upheld by the total Constitution of the Universe—40 values of the Vedic Literature. Even so, each ministry will be specially highlighted by one of the 40 aspects of the Vedic Literature.
'A special feature of my Administration of Natural Law through the Constitution of the Universe will be to support all the national constitutions of our dear world.
'It gives me a great delight to proclaim that the Constitution of the Global Country of World Peace will always be nourishing to the national constitutions of all countries.
'Under the reign of Natural Law, our dear world will be free from suffering and fear—everyone will rejoice in health, wealth, and happiness. Our diversified world of today will be a unified world for every tomorrow in the long corridor of time.
'I fondly invite all the honourable Heads of State to soon declare their country as the Country of World Peace.
'In my Global Country of World Peace, all the good will belong to all the people in the world. All the rulers will be supported by the invincible power of Natural Law. In my Global Country of World Peace, every nation will enjoy freedom and invincibility in their royal sovereignty, and every flag will share the dignity of every other flag.
'My announcement of the Global Country of World Peace will not be complete without the expression of my feelings of gratitude and devotion to His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who embodies the great Holy Tradition of Masters.
'Maharishi, the greatest scientist of this scientific age, has brought to light the total knowledge of Natural Law, the Veda, for the fulfilment of all physical sciences.
'Maharishi's contribution to the creation of World Peace is unprecedented in the world of all times. There has never been, and there could never be, a greater ruling intelligence than the one that is available in the world today in the form of Maharishi, who is making life on earth heavenly, and who is making Heaven on Earth a reality.
'Maharishi in the world today is a quiet guardian of all nations. Through his brilliance in the field of knowledge and administration, every government now has the opportunity to actualize the supreme purpose of government.
'It is a delight to express that Maharishi's loving guidance has given me the confidence to establish the Administration of Natural Law in the Global Country of World Peace.'
The world wishes for perfect health and a long, long life in immortality for His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam on this auspicious day of the 10th of January!
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