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Governments that create conflict will be voted out of office
by Peace Government Media Team
Global Country Press Release Translate This Article
3 November 2005
Create peace and prosperity for the people by promoting coherent national consciousness
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi this week declared that government leaders who create conflict and division instead of coherence and harmony in collective consciousness will soon be voted out of office by an electorate fed up with the legacy of governmental problems and failures.
Maharishi said that his Peace Governments have regularly informed national leaders of simple, scientifically proven technologies to create coherent national consciousness—the basis of prevention-oriented, problem-free administration—but the governments have chosen to ignore the offer.
'People will ask their presidents and prime ministers: ''What have you done for us except give us more and more conflict?'' These leaders will soon all be voted out of power,' Maharishi said. Maharishi's message to presidents and prime ministers and other government leaders came during his 26 October global news conference, which was broadcast live via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on 2 and 3 November.
Maharishi's Peace Governments are implementing a global programme to create permanent world peace
Maharishi said that his Peace Governments in 108 countries are not waiting for existing governments to respond to his offer, but instead are quickly implementing a comprehensive global programme to raise every nation to invincibility and create permanent world peace. Maharishi said that Peace Governments are establishing:
• Groups of Yogic Flyers in every nation to enliven Total Natural Law and create coherence in collective consciousness—the basis of ideal administration.
• 5,000 Peace Palaces as well as Vedic universities, colleges, and schools in major cities around the world to bring Total Knowledge to the whole population to raise everyone to enlightenment and raise every country to invincibility—free from fear, problems, and conflict.
• Global Parliaments of World Peace on seven Maharishi Islands of World Peace near all seven continents to offer a new system of administration, based not on man-made law but rather on Natural Law, the vast organizing intelligence that governs the universe without problems, to quietly create permanent peace on earth.
Global Parliaments of World Peace will provide training programmes in the Constitution of the Universe
Maharishi said the Global Parliament of World Peace will provide training programmes for politicians and leaders of society in the Constitution of the Universe, which will bring support to all the man-made constitutions on earth. 'Then governments will not fail in their parental responsibility to create a peaceful, problem-free life for their people,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi emphasized that the Global Parliaments of World Peace will not be an international forum to discuss problems. 'The discussion of problems is a waste of time,' Maharishi said. 'It is like discussing the problems of a leaf on a tree. The solution is to water the root of the tree and attend to the sap, which is at the basis of the innumerable leaves, flowers, and fruits of the tree—not hold discussions about the leaf. In the same way, the solution to problems in life is to enliven Total Natural Law—the field of consciousness—which is at the basis of all physical expressions in the universe. By enlivening the field of consciousness at the root of life through my Transcendental Meditation Programme and Yogic Flying, every government can create coherence and harmony on all levels of individual and national life,' Maharishi said.
Quietly light the lamp of Total Knowledge and the darkness disappears
In response to a press question, Maharishi made clear that his intention is not to criticize individuals or governments—'because everyone gets what they deserve'—but rather to quietly light the lamp of Total Natural Law in world consciousness. 'I don't have to fight darkness to remove darkness from a room—I just quietly light the lamp,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi then added: 'I admire the good fortune of those people who hear our message, understand and follow it, and enjoy the light. But I pity the fate of those who don't understand our message and don't take up our offer, and instead, in the name of their culture or religion, continue to suffer in darkness. The sooner they get away from that kind of culture or religion that teaches suffering, the better off they will be.'
'The world will be a beautiful mosaic of differences'
Maharishi concluded by declaring that a bright future is coming soon for all mankind. 'We are creating more and more lights to bring the dawn—and then, with the first rays of the morning sun, the dark night will come to an end. Enlightenment will dawn for every individual, all the unfortunate divisions and difficulties in the family of nations will be forgotten, and the whole world will be a beautiful mosaic of differences,' Maharishi said.
Copyright 2005 Global Country of World Peace
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