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Maharishi urges top scientists to create problem-free governments
by Peace Government Media Team
Global Country Press Release Translate This Article
13 April 2005
Maharishi reminds the world press to watch for signs of rising peace and positivity in world consciousness because we are starting the programme
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi urged the world's top scientists to take a leadership role in the administration of their nations and to structure their governments to mirror the flawless Government of the Universe. Such ideal administration, Maharishi said, will raise every country to invincibility and render life free from problems and suffering.
For this, Maharishi called on scientists to follow in the footsteps of His Majesty Raja Raam, MD, PhD, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace and the world's foremost neuroscientist, and His Excellency John Hagelin, PhD, world-renowned quantum physicist, President of the US Peace Government, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace.
'What an ideal world it will be when the greatest scientists in every country utilize their knowledge of Total Natural Law—the Unified Field—to create an ideal government in their country,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi's invitation to scientists came during his 6 April global press conference, which was broadcast live on all continents via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland.
The administration of life will be handled from the most basic field of consciousness
Maharishi said his invitation is based on the discovery by His Majesty Raja Raam that the field of consciousness—Total Natural Law—is at the basis of all physical expressions in the universe. 'With His Majesty Raja Raam's discovery, the administration of life on earth can now be handled from this most basic field of consciousness, which promotes the evolution of everyone and everything, from point to infinity, in the ever-expanding galactic universe,' Maharishi said. Maharishi explained that Raja Raam is addressed as 'His Majesty' because of his supreme authority in the field of Total Natural Law—and his ability to bestow invincibility on every nation.
Vedic technologies create coherent brain functioning—the basis of coherent national consciousness
Maharishi emphasised that it is easy to create ideal administration through the Vedic technologies of consciousness—including Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying—which are available from the ancient Vedic literature. 'These technologies enliven within the self-referral consciousness of everyone the Unified Field—the force of gravity, the force of unification—to create coherent brain functioning. Then every fibre in the brain physiology will function in full coherence with all other fibres in the brain—just as every galaxy functions in full coherence with all the other galaxies in the universe,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi added that a group in every country of a few hundred to a few thousand Yogic Flyers with coherent brain functioning is enough to radiate an enormous intensity of coherence in the whole world consciousness. The number of Yogic Flyers will depend upon the size of the population of the country. 'Then every country will function in full coherence with all other countries in the family of nations,' Maharishi said.
In response to a press question, Maharishi explained that the world has been shrouded in problems and suffering because the knowledge of administration through Total Natural Law—the Constitution of the Universe—has been unavailable for centuries. 'That is why the systems of administration prevalent in the world today—monarchy, democracy, dictatorship—are inefficient and ineffective,' Maharishi said. 'However, with the knowledge of Total Natural Law now available from the modern physical sciences, ancient Vedic science, and the holy texts of every religion, human society will enjoy the support of the Constitution of the Universe—and the world will bask in the sunshine of permanent peace, prosperity, and happiness.'
Global Country of World Peace established to create a model of ideal administration
To hasten the onset of this new sunshine on earth, Maharishi established the Global Country of World Peace as a model of ideal administration for all governments. 'The Global Country of World Peace will fulfil its supreme parental role in the world by silently administering all life from its common basis in the field of consciousness. It will fulfil the natural spirit of globalization—unification—that is rising up in the world. And it will guide all nations to invincibility so that every country will enjoy the strength and invincibility of all other countries,' Maharishi said.
For this, Maharishi said, His Majesty Raja Raam is inviting patriotic citizens as well as political, economic, and religious leaders of every nation to be trained at Maharishi Universities of World Peace worldwide in the science and art of enlightenment for themselves and invincibility for the nation. 'The world is going to be ruled by competent, intelligent, highly creative people who are in tune with Total Natural Law,' Maharishi said.
'The process of transformation from darkness into light will be silent—but the results will be obvious for everyone to see'
Maharishi concluded by reminding the world press to watch carefully for signs of rising positivity in world consciousness. 'A beautiful time is coming for the world,' Maharishi said. 'We have to see how long it takes the Global Country of World Peace to bless all governments with invincibility—so that every nation enjoys freedom from problems, suffering, conflict, and war. We are inviting the world press to watch carefully week after week because the process of transformation from darkness into light will be silent—but the results will be obvious for everyone to see.'
Copyright 2005, Global Country of World Peace
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