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Expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture describes dangers of genetically modified food, presents solutions
by Global Good News staff writer

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29 September 2012

The creator of an acclaimed course on Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture that he has taught in many countries recently gave an indepth lecture on genetically modified food at MERU in Holland.

Dr Peter Swan, an expert in the application of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's knowledge and technologies in agriculture, emphasized the importance of understanding what genetic modification is and how it affects our lives.

Much of Dr Swan's lecture was devoted to systematically bringing out details of numerous studies showing the potential for seriously damaging effects of genetically modified (GM) food for human consumption.

He detailed claims made by Monsanto and other large biotech companies about GM foods, including promises of their safety, higher crop yields, bigger profits, and improved nutrition—contrasting these with test results from an ever-widening body of research.

In the talk Dr Swan showed a short clip from a recently released video, Genetic Roulette, that reports the practises of some biotech executives. It includes interviews, reports, research studies, and the 'monumental exposé' after a lawsuit forced the release by a US federal agency of over 40,000 secret memos on genetically modified organisms.

Dr Swan cited reports from the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) that straightforwardly acknowledge 'ecological agricultural methods' as the solution to the global food shortage problem.

With this, the last one-third of Dr Swan's lecture shifted to a brighter picture, giving examples of traditional methods and solutions; although currently not favoured by conventional agriculture, they have been in operation around the world for centuries and are beginning to be implemented more widely again.

He presents evidence that these methods of organic farming are far more efficient and cost-effective than those of conventional agriculture, as well as more supportive of the health and vitality of the soil, the plants, the farmer, and the general population.

Dr Swan left his listeners on a positive note, taking the topic of solutions to the global problems plaguing agriculture to the deepest level of life, the unified field identified by modern quantum physics as the source of all natural law. From the perspective of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture, he explained, ultimately our food has its source in the fluctuations of sound within this field of pure intelligence which gives rise to every level of agriculture.

This is Maharishi's gift to the field of agriculture, Dr Swan concluded—development of consciousness of the farmer and the consumer through Transcendental Meditation, and enlivenment of total natural law at every stage of growth of the crop.

Further articles will feature more about the topics covered in Dr Swan's talk.

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