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Rising coherence leads to a greener world: Trends in gardening and sustainable agriculture
by Global Good News staff writer
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17 June 2009
Coherence-creating groups in a few countries are lifting the collective consciousness globally. These groups of Yogic Flyers—practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme—are dedicated to creating peace for their nations and the world. When the number of Yogic Flyers reaches the square root of one percent of a nation's population, that country is said to be invincible, according to the Global Country of World Peace, the educational organization established by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme.
As a result of the continuing Invincible America Assembly, the Invincible Holland Assembly, school groups in Invincible Latin America, and the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India, positivity is rising worldwide. This article highlights examples of increased coherence reflected in the trend toward the greening of urban areas, sustainable agriculture, and organic gardening. An interest in healthy eating, self-sufficiency, and a desire to reduce carbon emissions caused by food imports is motivating a 'green revolution' in thinking, said a spokesperson for the Global Country of World Peace.
• The BBC reports, 'Queen goes green with veg patch'. Her Majesty, the Queen of England has established The Royal Sustainable Vegetable Patch inside the 40-acre grounds of Buckingham Palace. The garden will provide vegetables for the palace and guests. The manager of the garden said the aim is to inspire people to grow more of their own food, and to get families and children involved in the wholesome activity of gardening.
• The First Lady of the USA, Michelle Obama, has planted an organic vegetable garden at the White House.
• A crime-ridden district of Tokyo, with a population of 500,000, has turned to planting flowers as part of its efforts to reduce crime. Neighborhood watch groups noticed there were fewer burglaries on streets lined with flowers; a city leader commented that the increased attractiveness may have caused people to pay more attention to their neighborhood. 'Operation Flower' began three years ago as part of a wider crime prevention campaign, and since then burglaries have decreased from 1,700 in 2002, to 390 incidents in 2008.
• 'Guerrilla gardening' is taking root in many countries. The term, first used in Australia in the 1970s, describes activists who, often at night, transform trash-ridden, unused urban land into attractive green spaces with flowers, vegetables and trees.
• Poor farmers are encouraged 'to guard earth's crop riches', reported the New Scientist magazine. A global fund was established last week to pay small-scale farmers to act as custodians of the world's threatened crops. Crop diversity is essential to ensure against food crises that could result from climate change or plant diseases. Among the first of the fund recipients, 'Peruvian farmers will be paid to look after the most diverse collection of potatoes in the world', experimenting with growing conditions at different elevations and climatic zones. The fund is a key element of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Also part of the treaty, a seed vault with over one million seed varieties has been established in Norway to ensure against loss of the genetic diversity of the world's food heritage.
Further evidence of rising coherence will be reported in future articles in Global Good News.
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