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'Create anything out of anything': a Unified Field-Based approach to organic agriculture
by Global Good News staff writer
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24 August 2007
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi addressed a recent Global Press Conference, broadcast from the Global Financial Capital of New York, on how to create anything from anything, and how agriculture means 'agreeing with the culturing agency of Total Natural Law' to achieve anything in life.
Maharishi said that he was listening with great interest to the voice of our time, Dr John Hagelin. Maharishi said that if the Press want to listen to him [Maharishi], then they should speak to Dr Hagelin and that whatever Dr Hagelin has spoken, 'I want to endorse a thousand per cent.'
Maharishi continued: '[There is] one phrase from Dr Hagelin that I would like to repeat and that is: ''Anything could be changed to anything.'' This is the science and technology of agriculture. Out of the dust comes all kinds of beautiful crops, all kinds of juicy tastes, all kinds of nourishment. This is converting anything to anything. The secret of this conversion from something to something, this conversion from anything to anything, is the doing of Total Natural Law. Total Natural Law is called the Unified Field.
'So [for] the mastermind who is awake in Unified Field, there is a practicality of converting anything into anything. Agriculture— for creating or converting the quality of mud, soil, water, into nourishment, into tasteful food, or into anything, Total Natural Law is the secret of converting anything to anything.
'In this case, we want to convert the dust of sand into beautiful, juicy fruit; or to convert this into this. On this basis, the aspiration, the inspiration of the knowers of this knowledge of the Unified Field is freedom from negativity, freedom from anything small, fullness of everything—life to be transformed into bliss.
'This is now talking of life as a whole, because agriculture is to agree with the culturing agency. And ''culturing agency'' means the field of all possibilities. To agree with all possibilities is to agree with Total Natural Law, Total Natural Law.
'Dr Hagelin speaks the language of today,' Maharishi said. 'The language of today is the language of the scientific age, the language of achieving everything, anything, systematically. And achieving systematically means no wasting time. That's why I said if you want to hear me, hear Dr Hagelin. He is the speaker that we can equate with Total Natural Law.
'Dr Hagelin speaks Total Natural Law; the Unified Field speaks. And what is it that speaks? The inner mechanics of achieving anything. So the field of agriculture is just a brand, a name, a subject, for him to [speak] . . . but the only thing that he can say is: ''Total possibility!'' Because his speech is the speech of Total Natural Law, the Unified Field.
'Where is this Unified Field? In the self-referral level of one's own intelligence, in one's Self. So if we want agriculture, this means if we want to agree with the culturing agency, then self-referral consciousness is that culturing agency from where you can culture anything. This field of the transcendental, self-referral consciousness is the Unified Field, the unity of all diversity. To agree with it is agriculture, agriculture.
'From this field of agriculture, you can culture anything, because you have the mechanics of culturing—agriculture. Everything in agriculture is done by Natural Law, Natural Law. Anything in the field of agriculture is Natural Law, Total Natural Law, Total Natural Law, which is the most evolved level of any law of nature. . . .
'Natural Law is nothing new in any age. Only one may be aware of it or not be aware of it. But in its own value it is eternally, fully awake all the time in all space and time—the wakefulness of Natural Law, wakefulness of Total Natural Law.
'What we say is that Total Natural Law [is] the administrator of the universe, Total Natural Law is the administrator of the universe. On one level we say the Will of God; on the other level, we say Total Natural Law. Will of God. On this level anything could be transformed into anything. That thing which Dr Hagelin has just said—and he was emphasizing on that—anything could be transformed into anything; anything could be transformed into anything. That is the power of agriculture.
'So agree with that which can culture anything. A phrase [with] similar meaning from the ancient Vedic literature is that ''Total Natural Law is not to be acquired by anyone or anything. Everyone is the expression of that, everyone is the expression of that.''
'[There are] great exhortations in the Vedic literature: ''I am That, I am Totality, I am Brahm.'' Brahm means Unity. It is beautiful knowledge at the basis of one's own awareness, at the basis of one's own existence, on the basis of one's own Being, on the level of one's own self-referral Atma [Self].
'On that basis, everything is possible, everything is possible, and that is the activity of our world movement. It has been for so many years, and now the target of the Movement is that everything should be on the self-referral level, so that one could do anything, one could do everything from the level of one's own Being. So whether we talk on agriculture or any subject, the fundamental is Total Natural Law, the Will of God.
'Apart from being a research scientist, Dr Hagelin is a thinker; he is the designer of a system of gaining knowledge that is unique in the world. He belongs to his own authority on Total Natural Law. The system of teaching Total Knowledge, that we will teach to every student—Total Knowledge. The university that Dr Hagelin is building in the United States, Maharishi Central University, that is going to be offering expertise in agriculture—that is, how to agree with the culturing agency.
'The practice of Transcendental Meditation, the TM-Sidhi Programme, and Yogic Flying—these are the various approaches to getting the ability where anything could be transformed into anything. It's a beautiful, beautiful level of achievement. It's a beautiful level of achievement and we want the world to follow this great advice and rise to invincibility.'
Maharishi congratulated Dr. Hagelin for working in the field of the Unified Field, and [bringing out] the Constitution of the Universe in the national constitutions of every country in our world. 'The world will soon rise to perfection,' Maharishi said.
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.
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