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Moving from agricultural warfare to agreeing with the culturing agency of nature
by Global Good News staff writer
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7 August 2007
Addressing a press conference on Vedic Organic Agriculture on 12 July, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, noted that all over the world, the understanding is now rising as a matter of common sense, that it is not healthy to eat food to which poison has been applied. This is a basic requirement for the health and well-being of the whole world family, he said.
In the last 60 years, however, Dr Morris explained, agriculture 'has degenerated into a kind of warfare in the field of human nourishment'.
Human beings have found themselves under attack by insects, by weeds, by fungi, and indeed by the weather itself, and so where the human beings could fight back against this apparent onslaught of nature, they did it through the discovery of various poisonous chemicals that could defeat these 'pests'.
Why do human beings come under attack, apparently, by nature, when they try to grow things?
The answer, Dr Morris said, is given in a statement common to all human traditions, using an agricultural metaphor—'As you sow, so shall you reap.' This means, he explained, 'that if you do something wrong, something wrong will happen to you. So when farmers face pests, weeds, droughts, floods, fire, hurricane force winds and so forth—then either that individual farmer, or the society in which the farmer lives, has violated the laws of nature. Therefore the laws of nature are not favouring the agriculture of that land.
'One approach when something bad happens is to say, ''Well, we'll fight back. This pest has appeared, so we'll kill it, and this will be our victory,''' Dr Morris said.
'But in fact, this is a pyrrhic victory,' he said, 'because, first of all, you poison yourself; secondly you decrease the fertility and productivity of your soil for the long-term production of food; and thirdly, you create a situation where you have actually destroyed the very fundamental qualities of your environment that are necessary for the production of food at all.'
Fortunately, the Global Country of World Peace has a solution to offer. Dr Morris said: 'Agriculture should agree with the culturing intelligence of nature.' That is, it should be in harmony with the fundamental principles of intelligence, that conduct the transformation of everything into everything, from the seed to the crop.
'There is an expression that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has quoted from the Raam Charit Manas [in the Vedic Literature], that defines this ability of a farmer to bring total support of all the laws of nature to all that they do. It is Mange barida dehin jal—it means that when farmers needed rain—rain immediately fell, and fell exactly for that particular farmer, as required.
'This is a clear indication of the quality of life in such an age, where whatever is required, automatically comes. Whatever the farmer needs, nature provides, as a mother provides a coat to a child before the winter.
'Any farmer in the world can get to this level,' said Dr Morris.
'By practising Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying as part of their daily farming routine, in the morning before going to the fields, and in the late afternoon before taking dinner after coming from the fields, the farmers enliven the experience of the Unified Field in their lives. Then they begin to function from that level from which anything can be transformed into anything.'
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.
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