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Build a home, fix a car, get a job: How an innovative school is keeping kids out of jail
by Elizabeth Weise USA TODAY

USA TODAY    Translate This Article
1 December 2023

On 1 December 2023 USA TODAY reported: Superior Court Judge John Phillip, now 81, had seen it all in 13 years as a district attorney and then 21 as a judge. ...but he was troubled by the stories of many children who went through his courtroom. ...That day in 2000 he became determined to do something different, something that would give the children he saw in court a chance to overcome the poverty, dysfunction, trauma, and pain so many of them had experienced. To help them find a new way in life, a path toward college, or a good paying job. Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising positivity in the field of education, documenting the growth of life-supporting, evolutionary trends.

...The audacious effort succeeded. The Ranch opened in 2003. While 40 percent of youth who go through the county's juvenile justice system have another encounter with the law, 84.8 percent graduating from Rancho Cielo do not re-offend. (That's among students who had already encountered the criminal justice system.)

And instead of the more than $110,000 a year it costs to incarcerate a juvenile in the county, Rancho Cielo costs $25,000 each year.

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