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Transforming destinies: The story of Consciousness-Based Education in South Africa - special event at Maharishi University of Management
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 June 2014

Consciousness-Based Education in South Africa is the subject of a special colloquium Friday, 27 June at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

The event is titled 'Transforming Destinies: The Amazing Story of Consciousness-Based Education in South Africa'.

The evening features a presentation by Dr Taddy Blecher, Co-Director of Maharishi Institute in Johannesburg, South Africa. Dr Blecher, who has been in the forefront of developing Consciousness-Based Education in South Africa for many years, will speak on how this award-winning approach to education is transforming the lives of South Africa's at-risk youth—and transforming the destiny of the whole country.

Another highlight is a special award being presented to Jim Turner, in recognition of his 25 years of teaching at Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield. Mr Turner also served as a founding faculty member at Maharishi Institute in Johannesburg.

Maharishi University of Management, founded in 1971 and accredited through the PhD level, is a leading institution offering Consciousness-Based Education in the world.

Maharishi Institute is a sister institution to Maharishi University of Management. Dr Craig Pearson, Executive Vice-President of MUM, travelled to Johannesburg last December for the first graduation of 29 students at Maharishi Institute. The students earned degrees in business from MUM through its distance education programme.

On a recent tour of South Africa, Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, visited Maharishi Institute as well as schools in Durban and other cities where Consciousness-Based Education has been introduced.

See related articles:
South Africa: Maharishi Institute, a bright star of Consciousness-Based Education
Consciousness-Based Education bringing new opportunities to students in South African schools
The Maharishi Invincible Institute of South Africa
South Africa: Advances in Consciousness-Based Education — photo album about Maharishi Institute's first graduation.

Copyright © 2014 Global Good News Service

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