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Maharishi School students shine with 'the world's most precious wisdom'
by Global Good News staff writer

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24 July 2013

Maharishi University of Management (MUM) and its K-12 school, Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment (MSAE), in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, are renowned as flagship institutions for Consciousness-Based Education throughout the world.

Standard modern education, which most children in the world experience, actually covers only one-third of the educational process, said Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, in a recent address. It only includes knowledge, and leaves out the knower (the student) and the process of knowing. The curriculum of Consciousness-Based Education is the only system that includes all three areas.

Dr Morris went on to describe some of the many achievements of Maharishi School.

In educating our children, he said, we want to give them maximum development of the brain, especially of the pre-frontal cortex, the area that is considered the CEO of the brain and is responsible for many different fundamental values of human functioning—including judgement, decision-making, planning, impulse control, moral reasoning, working memory, and the self. The educational programme at Maharishi School is designed to unfold full development of brain functioning.

This year the state of Iowa sent 15 high school teams to the Destination ImagiNation Global Finals competition in Knoxville, Tennessee. Eight of the teams came from MSAE. Destination ImagiNation programmes encourage teams of learners to have fun, take risks, focus, and frame challenges while incorporating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, the arts, and service learning into the process.

MSAE students have more Destination ImagiNation finishes in the top 10 than any other school in the world. It is very impressive that some years, this one small school will win more prizes than students from the whole state of California, Dr Morris said.

He enjoys visiting classes and talking with students at the school, and commented on the 'brilliant responses' even younger students give to his questions about their studies, suggesting intelligence beyond their years.

However it is not just academic brilliance that is developing, he added, it is also the heart of each student. The children support each other from a deep, heartfelt level.

When educators from other institutions visit Maharishi School they are impressed by the long attention span and deep focus the children demonstrate, with one visitor commenting that it was 'off the charts'. Dr Morris gave the example of a second grade class he visited. As he was heading towards the door at the end of the visit, he looked back over his shoulder and saw that all the students had already gone back to what they were studying before the interruption. He was especially impressed that they did this naturally, without a word from the teacher.

The children of MSAE love to attend school; they love the knowledge, their fellow students, and their teachers. Their behaviour displays 'their own inner treasure house of life', Dr Morris said. When the school was being built, over the front door a description of Maharishi School students by the school's Founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, was inscribed: 'In their intelligence will shine the world's most precious wisdom.' This you can see in the faces of the children, Dr Morris said.

The gift of Consciousness-Based Education to the children of the world is the key to creating a 'golden age' in which peace and harmony will fill every nation, Dr Morris said.

Copyright © 2013 Global Good News Service

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