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Latin America: Growth of Consciousness-Based Education brings development of more Maharishi Schools
by Global Good News staff writer

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25 September 2012

In Latin America as in other parts of the world, there are several ways in which Consciousness-Based Education has been implemented in schools.

Consciousness-Based Education offers study of traditional school subjects in light of the knowledge of the full potential of human consciousness, together with a scientifically proven technology, Transcendental Meditation, for directly developing the consciousness of every student—their full brain potential—so that they awaken to the experience of total knowledge within themselves. With this approach, as students are learning different subjects, they are becoming more alert, more intelligent and creative, happier and less stressed, more tolerant and harmonious, and more receptive, so that with increasing ease and enjoyment they absorb and apply the knowledge they are gaining.

Up to now, schools in Latin America may have chosen to utilize Transcendental Meditation or some elements of Consciousness-Based Education, but now more schools are being formed that use every aspect of the educational system. These are called Maharishi Schools. This happens when there is the desire or means to create a Maharishi School, sometimes with support in the form of land or a building for some recent projects.

There are several main elements of Consciousness-Based schools, a Transcendental Meditation teacher in Latin America said recently.

Students and faculty learn Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi programme, including Yogic Flying.

All subjects that are taught relate back to the unified field, the underlying field of total natural law that students experience directly at the deepest level of their own consciousness, in their daily Transcendental Meditation practice. In addition, some classes are entirely devoted to teaching the Science of Creative Intelligence, a new discipline formulated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Consciousness-Based Education, offering a complete, systematic understanding of consciousness.

Ideally, the school building would also uphold the principles of Maharishi Vastu architecture, and boys and girls would learn separately, the teacher said.

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