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New developments in the Reading Vedic Literature programme at MUM
by Global Good News staff writer

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29 May 2012

In the past year, Master Pandit Acharya Gopal Krishna Dave has come to help instruct courses in Reading Vedic Literature at Maharishi University of Management (MUM).

Acharya Dave is a highly esteemed expert and teacher who has instructed other Vedic Pandits in the proper recitation and pronunciation of the Vedic Literature, and now he is turning his attention to the students in MUM's Maharishi Vedic Science department. The Founder of the university, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, has emphasized the importance of perfect Sanskrit pronunciation in reading Vedic texts, and the students consider themselves fortunate to be able to study with Pandit Dave.

Recently, Acharya Dave took some time to answer a few questions about Sanskrit recitation and about the Reading Vedic Literature programme at MUM.

When asked if it is better to listen to professional Vedic Pandits chanting or read the Vedic Literature oneself, Acharya Dave said, 'It is always good to read'.

He explained that because the number of proper recordings and full-length recordings is quite limited, therefore if one wants to experience the entire Vedic Literature, it is best to read on one's own.

Recent technological developments have made reading the complete Vedic Literature much easier. Dr William Sands, Dean of the College of Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi University of Management, remarked that many students these days download Vedic Literature from MUM's Vedic Reserve website. Then they can put the Sanskrit text on their Kindle or iPad and take the whole Vedic Literature with them everywhere to read whenever they have a chance.

In addition, many students in the department have experienced great benefits from reading the Vedic Literature.

See related articles:
Master Vedic Pandit instructs MUM students in correct pronunciation of Vedic Literature
How the Reading Vedic Literature programme at Maharishi University of Management began

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