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Students in Italy love to practise Transcendental Meditation
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 April 2012

On his recent visit to Italy, Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, met with a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique who believes strongly in the power of Consciousness-Based Education to transform students' lives.

'She is a schoolteacher who, just through her own deep dedication, has introduced Transcendental Meditation into her school,' he said.

Dr Morris visited the middle school in Sicily where she teaches and met with many of the students there.

'We had a group meditation with them and it was very deep and silent—which contrasted with the rest of the time that we were there, because they were a very lively group,' Dr Morris said.

'When they were meditating they were in the deepest of deep silence,' he explained. 'When they weren't, they were very voluble and very lively and full of energy. . . . It was very charming to see them.'

After the group meditation, Dr Morris reported that a young man, who was like a head student, addressed the delegation of educators and other guests and his fellow students.

'When he stood up to speak, the students went wild with applause. They seem to love him very much. When he started to speak though, he was very serious, and said, ''I am speaking on behalf of everyone. I'm graduating this year and I want you to know that I am going to continue this practice [Transcendental Meditation] on and on throughout my life . . . and I want all the students of my school to learn and continue to practise. This project should go on and on.'' '

Dr Morris continued, 'That was his desire. It was very movingly expressed, very touching.'

In addition, 'The students also came up and expressed that they wished not only that the project continue . . . but they really want the students there who have not yet learned Transcendental Meditation to learn as soon as possible.'

Dr Morris concluded, 'With big hearts, [the students] said, ''This is what we want. We want everyone to practise together.'' It was very touching to hear the longing of the other students for that.'

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