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'I love this school': New students and parents enjoy benefits of Consciousness-Based Education at Maharishi Free School, UK
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 October 2011

Head Teacher Dr Derek Cassells recently described many positive experiences at Maharishi Free School in West Lancashire, England, since it began the new school year in September as one of the first 24 Free Schools supported by the British government.

Twice as many students are enrolled at the school this year as last year. For 25 years Maharishi School has functioned as a private school for which parents paid fees for their children to attend, explained an administrator. Many local families said that they had wanted their children to attend the school for years, but were unable to afford the tuition. Now that the school is state funded, more students have the opportunity to attend (in fact, the places available for the new school year were oversubscribed).

Thus many of the new students—and their parents—have been enjoying the benefits of the school's uniquely successful Consciousness-Based Education programme for the first time. One hundred forty local parents and children learnt Transcendental Meditation (TM) in preparation for the new term.

'Many times, families have stopped me in the playground, as I'm coming to school,' commented Dr Cassells, 'saying that one thing they hadn't expected was how the practice of Transcendental Meditation was changing their home life.' With parents as well as children now practising the technique, 'their home life is becoming more balanced as a result.

'This is a fantastic thing to hear,' Dr Cassells said. 'Of course we wanted the children to practice TM for its effects on their education, but the fact that their family life is so much better is wonderful.'

Maharishi Free School Headteacher, Derek Cassells

Dr Derek Cassells, Head Teacher
at Maharishi Free School, UK

One family wrote a letter to say that 'their child was already happy before entering Maharishi School, so they weren't looking for any increase in happiness—but the child is now even happier than before.'

Another mother stopped Dr Cassells to say that as she was dropping off her five-year-old child at school, he told her, 'I love this school.'

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