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Maharishi School brings solution to 'fatal flaw' in today's educational system
by Ashley Deans, PhD

Maharishi School - Iowa, USA    Translate This Article
10 August 2011

The Excellence in Action page of Global Good News is featuring this article with colourful photos.

Please click on the following link to read more about 'Fatal flaw in educational system prevalent today'.

The article features a message from the executive director of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA—Dr Ashley Deans, who is also an international authority on Consciousness-Based Education.

The 'fatal flaw' in the educational system prevalent today, Dr Deans writes, is described by 'a number of top brain researchers [who] are reporting that, rather than fully developing our children for success in life, modern education is actually damaging the brains of our children.' The pressures and stresses students face as they go through their school years 'inhibit full brain development and stifle their innate inner genius and natural thirst for knowledge'.

The solution to this fundamental problem, he says, and the foundation of the educational system at Maharishi School, 'is the Transcendental Meditation technique and Consciousness-Based Education to wake up the brain—to develop the student's full creative potential.'

The value of this approach is shown not only by 'hundreds of published scientific studies reporting benefits in all areas of student life', but also in the 'unprecedented educational outcomes' produced by Consciousness-Based Education—'in academics, in the arts, in creative problem solving, in sports, and in the development of good citizenship'.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

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