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Student with Asperger's describes how Transcendental Meditation helps him
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 July 2011

A student with Asperger's syndrome describes how he is happier and is getting better grades since he began practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism, is quite prevalent, explains a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. 'The latest surveys indicate that in the United States approximately 1 in 91 children are suffering from some form of autism spectrum disorder. As a ''spectrum'' disorder it means that there is a range of how this affects the child—and it's not just children, but it continues on and affects a person their whole life.

'It's a pervasive developmental disorder which causes delays in the development of many basic skills including the ability to socialize with others, to communicate, and to use imagination,' he says.

The student with Asperger's explains: 'It's like when you sort of think in a different way from others, and like your social skills might not be as good, your interests might be kind of unique.'

'With Asperger's, typically the children are able to function better than children with autism,' says the Transcendental Meditation teacher, 'but it is still very severely limiting.'

The Transcendental Meditation Programme may offer support.

'It makes me happier,' says the student, speaking in a video along with his mother, about his experience with Transcendental Meditation.*

'It feels good when I do it,' he adds, explaining that when he meditates he feels 'how I would sitting comfortably with my eyes closed, but I feel better when I come out.'

After learning Transcendental Meditation he became a straight-A student. 'My grades became a lot better at school because I meditated,' he says.

* His mother's comments about the great progress she saw in him with the Transcendental Meditation Programme are featured in the following Global Good News articles:

Mother describes how Transcendental Meditation helps child with Asperger's
Leading magazine for autism and Asperger's features benefits of Transcendental Meditation

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