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Fact sheet: ADHD and the Transcendental Meditation Programme
Maharishi University of Management Translate This Article
26 July 2011
New study shows Transcendental Meditation improves brain functioning in ADHD students Conclusion of press release from Maharishi University of Management about a new study, published 26 July 2011 in Mind & Brain, The Journal of Psychiatry (Vol 2, No 1): ADHD, Brain Functioning, and Transcendental Meditation Practice. The random-assignment controlled study found improved brain functioning and decreased symptoms of attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in students practicing the Transcendental Meditation® (TM) technique.
See earlier sections of this press release: ∙ 'A non-drug approach to enhance students' ability to learn' ∙ 'What was measured: Theta/Beta Power Ratios and ADHD' & 'Why the TM Technique' ∙ 'Transcendental Meditation ''trains the brain to function in a style opposite to that of ADHD'' ' ∙ 'Students with ADHD calmer, less stressed with Transcendental Meditation'
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
∙ Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—characterized by inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity—is diagnosed in almost 10% of children ages 4-17 years, representing 5.4 million children.
∙ The (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that among children with current ADHD, 66.3% were taking medication for the disorder. In total, 4.8% of all children ages 4-17 years (2.7 million) were taking medication for ADHD. The majority of them stay on it into adulthood.
∙ The rate of prescriptions for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the U.S. has increased by a factor of five since 1991—with production of ADHD medicines up 2,000 percent in 9 years.
∙ The commonly used drugs for ADHD are stimulants (amphetamines). These drugs can cause persistent and negative side-effects, including sleep disturbances, reduced appetite, weight loss, suppressed growth, and mood disorders. The side-effects are frequently treated with additional medications to manage insomnia or mood swings. Almost none of the medications prescribed for insomnia or mood disturbances are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use with children.
∙ The long-term health effects of ADHD medications are not fully known, but evidence suggests risks of cardiac disorders and sudden death, liver damage and psychiatric events. It has also been found that children on long-term medication have significantly higher rates of delinquency, substance use, and stunted physical growth.
∙ A new study, Study raises questions about long-term effects of ADHD medication, the first of its kind, released February 17, 2010 by the Government of Western Australia's Department of Health, found that ''long-term use of drugs such as Ritalin and dexamphetamine may not improve a child's social and emotional well-being or academic performance.'' The chair of the Ministerial Implementation Committee for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Western Australia said in the Department's press release, ''We found that stimulant medication did not significantly improve a child's level of depression, self perception or social functioning and they were more likely to be performing below their age level at school by a factor of 10.5 times.''
The Transcendental Meditation Technique
∙ The Transcendental Meditation technique is an effortless technique practiced 10-20 minutes twice a day sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.
∙ Transcendental Meditation is not a religion or philosophy and involves no new beliefs or change in lifestyle.
∙ Over 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the TM technique confirm a range of benefits for mind, body and behavior.
∙ Several studies have compared the effects of different meditation practices and found that Transcendental Meditation provides deeper relaxation and is more effective at reducing anxiety, depression and hypertension than other forms of meditation and relaxation. In addition, no other meditation practice shows the widespread coherence throughout all areas of the brain that is seen with Transcendental Meditation.
∙ The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in the United States by a non-profit, educational organization.
∙ More information can be obtained by calling 888-LEARN-TM or visiting,, or
Contact: Ken Chawkin Tel: +1 641-470-1314 Maharishi University of Management
The study was funded by a grant from the David Lynch Foundation.
Global Good News will continue to feature widespread recent press reports on the new study in the coming days.
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