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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's formula for fulfilment of education: Become established in evenness of life
by Global Good News staff writer

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22 October 2010

A historic address by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to the people of Nepal in November 1974 was recently played, during the October 2010 Full Moon Celebration of the Global Mother Divine Organization, in honour of the anniversary of Maharishi's visit to Nepal.

In his address, Maharishi commented on a central verse from the Vedic Literature, which states that the verses of the Veda are structured in the transcendental field, which is beyond the finest state of thinking. Beyond the realm of the finest state of thought, Maharishi explained, is the realm of the eternal, infinite pure consciousness—which is the home of the Richas, the verses or expressions of eternal knowledge [Veda] about the Laws of Nature that structure, maintain, and dissolve the whole creation.

'All about creation is in the Veda,' Maharishi said. 'Veda is in that immortal, eternal, infinite, unbounded pure consciousness.'

Maharishi explained that all activity is on the level of impulses of creative intelligence, which are responsible for the whole universe and which reside in the pure field of consciousness. 'In that field of pure consciousness is the seat of all the knowledge,' Maharishi continued, 'and the seat of all impulses of creative intelligence. In the modern scientific language we call those impulses of creative intelligence Laws of Nature.'

That pure field of consciousness is the home of all knowledge; it is also the home of all the Laws of Nature, Maharishi said. He explained that the pure field of intelligence is the transcendental reality of Shabda, sound. 'Sound when it becomes subtle becomes a thought; thought becomes subtle, and it becomes consciousness. Thought is just the impulse of consciousness,' Maharishi continued. 'The sound that we speak is just the expression of thought, so from word to thought to subtle states of thought—from the subtlest state of thought to pure consciousness. This field of consciousness is the seat of all knowledge, is the home of all the Laws of Nature. In a simple expression we say, ''Knowledge is structured in consciousness.'' '*

Maharishi went on to explain the next part of the Vedic verse, which states: He who does not know that field of pure consciousness, what can the expressions of knowledge do for him? 'He who knows it here, by experience, he gets established in evenness of life.' By appreciating, experiencing, and bringing that field to awareness, 'our life could be established in evenness', Maharishi said.

Global Good News will present the continuation of Maharishi's 1974 address in the coming days.

* For an introduction to Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education and more about this verse from the Vedic Literature, please visit 'Consciousness-Based Education'.

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