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Women college athletes train with TM
by Puki Freeberg

Transcendental Meditation - USQA
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2 September 2010

In October 2009, Coach Bartlett and Coach Lee decided to introduce the Transcendental Meditation technique as part of the Trinity College women's squash team training program.

Nour Bahgat from Egypt was the #1 women's U.S. collegiate player in 2009. She says that the Transcendental Meditation technique helps her get into ''the zone''. ''Being in the zone is very important for an athlete because that's the point where you can perform at your best level,'' she says.

Emily Lindon, a graduate student at Trinity College, conducted a research study for her senior thesis on the impact of the Transcendental Meditation program on the squash team. In particular, she investigated the area of ''perceived self-efficacy,'' which is a person's belief in his or her ability to accomplish a certain task.

''Research has shown that if people think more highly of their abilities, they tend to perform at a higher level,'' Ms. Lindon says. The study showed a significant increase in self-efficacy among the meditating athletes after meditating for just five months.

''With TM, we now have a new technique to improve performance,'' says Coach Lee, who adds that the technique would be valuable for any sport. ''I can't think of a sport I would exclude; it seems to me TM can only bring positive outcomes.''

For a video interview with head Coach Bartlett, Coach Lee, and the Trinity team, please visit this news item on the official website for Transcendental Meditation in the US.

Please see also research on Transcendental Meditation.

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