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South Africa: Maharishi Invincibility Institute establishes multi-phase degree programmes in business
by Global Good News staff writer
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2 March 2010
Maharishi Invincibility Institute (MII) in Johannesburg, South Africa, has recently formed an agreement with Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in the United States, whereby MII students can enroll in MUM degree programmes in Business Administration. The courses of study at MII are designed according to a specific model, which includes several distinct phases leqading up to degree completion. This model was originally developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of Consciousness-Based Education and the Transcendental Meditation Programme.
Please also see Global Good News article introducing the collaboration between MII and MUM.
Speaking on Maharishi Global Family Chat,* Dr Taddy Blecher, Director of Education for the Global Country of World Peace in South Africa, described in detail the model for education at MII. He began by emphasizing that, although the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Business Administration are technically considered distance education programmes, it is important that the students attend the university onsite each day in Johannesburg. This will be especially necessary, he stated, so that students can participate in twice daily group practice of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, 'so as to contribute to the creation of an invincible South Africa.'
He went on to describe the four phases of the education programme at the institution. The first, Phase 0 [naught], will consist of pre-university studies in basic mathematics and English language. The skills of each student in English, math, and computers will be assessed upon entry to the programme, and the student will then complete daily courses in those subjects for a period of six months to one year. Also during this initial phase, the students will learn Transcendental Meditation, and then the advanced TM-Sidhi Programme after several months. They will also complete courses in Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence.
Phase 1 of the programme will constitute the first year of the MUM degree in Business Administration. It will be modeled exactly after the programme in place at MUM in the US, with 10 'blocks', or month-long classes in one subject each. It also includes two Forest Academies consisting of shorter courses focussed on Maharishi's knowledge and extended practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi Programmes.
Phase 2 will consist of the 'diploma phase', which will last a year and a half, or 15 blocks worth of additional courses. 'Every subject will be taught according to the principles of Consciousness-Based Education, just as on the physical MUM campus,' Dr Blecher reiterated.
At the end of the diploma phase, students will enter Phase 3, the degree phase, which will last a year and a half as well. 'So in total, the typical student at MII will complete the BA in Business Management in 4.5 to 5 years, including the pre-university bridging programme in Phase 0,' summarized Dr Blecher. He added that, after completing the BA in Business Administration, students will have the chance to continue with a part-time two-year MBA programme.
Dr Blecher specified that in the first two phases of the degree programme, Phase 0 and Phase 1, students will attend classes full-time during the day. In Phase 2 and 3, students will have classes in the late afternoons, while during the day they will work in a call centre as part of a programme called 'Learn and Earn'.
'As a degree from an American university, the BA in Management will be recognized internationally,' said Dr Blecher. 'This is an unimaginable opportunity for students in South Africa.'
* Dr Blecher's report was featured on the 27 February 2010 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.
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