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Holland, Sweden, Spain show rising receptivity to Consciousness-Based Education: Dr Ashley Deans
by Global Good News staff writer

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17 April 2010

Educators and government officials in Holland, Sweden, and Spain have shown great receptivity to Consciousness-Based Education over the last few months, during which Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador for Consciousness-Based Education, toured universities and schools in these countries.

On 7 April 2009, Dr Deans reported that in Holland, although the country had been receptive to Consciousness-Based Education before, now educators are showing immediate interest in implementing the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in their schools.

The leader of a school in Amsterdam, for example, showed great interest in implementing Consciousness-Based Education as soon as possible. Also, at a private school now owned by Dr Paul Gelderloos, National Director of Holland for the Transcendental Meditation Programme, Dr Deans said 'it was a great honour to speak to faculty, and tell them that now they themselves could learn the Transcendental Meditation Programme and Yogic Flying along with their students.'

Dr Deans added that he believes the people of Holland have really begun to appreciate the greatness of what they achieved for Maharishi by hosting him in their country over many years.

From Holland, Dr Deans traveled to Stockholm, Sweden, where he co-hosted a conference for school principals on Consciousness-Based Education. 'The country's educational system has only just started to open up to Maharishi's programmes,' Dr Deans said. One school has begun a programme through which its teachers are learning Transcendental Meditation, in preparation for the whole student body learning the practice.

Dr Deans added that in Sweden, he participated in a weekend course for local practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programmes, as well as for Transcendental Meditation Teachers. During this course, as well as enjoying group meditations, the participants received training on how to present Consciousness-Based Education to schools.

In Madrid, Spain, the next location on his tour, Dr Deans delivered a presentation to a room full of top educators and professors from the area. The event was highly successful. 'The audience listened with rapt attention,' said Dr Deans, 'and afterwards, many educators expressed interest in implementing Consciousness-Based Education.' He added that the schools implementing the programme together have enough students to create invincibility for Spain.

Dr Deans also delivered a lecture in Barcelona, which was held in the beautiful Contemporary Cultural Centre of Barcelona. There was also a 'full house' at this event, he reported; among audience members were educators, principals, school directors, and government ministers. Already three schools in Barcelona are planning to implement Consciousness-Based Education, with enough students to create invincibility for all of Europe,' he said. 'The future of Barcelona is very bright, based upon the response at this lecture.'

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